
  • 网络bulk cargo
  1. 长江干散货运输企业经营战略模式选择研究

    Research on the Choice of Bulk Cargo Business Operation Modes on Yangtze River

  2. 台湾海峡两岸主要干散货运输及其战略规划研究

    Study on Transportation Strategic Projection of Main Dry Bulk Cargo between Taiwan Strait

  3. 在上月香港市场首日交易中,重型卡车制造商中国重汽(sinotruk)和干散货运输企业中外运航运(sinotransshipping)的跌幅都超过了13%。

    Shares in SINOTRUK , a heavy-truck maker , and Sinotrans shipping , a dry bulk carrier , last month each fell by more than 13 per cent on first-day dealings in Hong Kong .

  4. 本文将广泛应用于研究时变序列特征的GARCH模型应用于国际干散货运输市场,分析干散货运价指数的波动规律以及产生上述波动的原因,并对得到的模型进行简单的评价分析。

    This article will be widely used to study time-varying sequence features GARCH model is applied to the international tanker transport market analysis of dry bulk freight index fluctuation of the cause of the fluctuations , and the model for simple evaluation and analysis .

  5. 长江散货运输组织方式优化及船型论证

    Transportation organizing optimization of Yangtze-river bulk cargo and its ship-type demonstration

  6. 国际干散货运输市场回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect to the Bulk Cargo Shipping Market in the World

  7. 2007年国际干散货运输市场预测。

    Outlook on international dry bulk shipping market in2007 .

  8. 第一季度国际干散货运输市场述评

    Analysis of world bulk cargo transport market in the first quarter of 2003

  9. 世界海上散货运输

    The World 's Bulk Cargo Transportation at Sea

  10. 熔盛是少数几家有能力建造这种360米长的散货运输船的船厂之一。

    Rongsheng is one of a few yards capable of building the 360-metre bulk carriers .

  11. 而干散货运输是世界海洋运输最重要的组成部分。

    The most important part of Sea transportation is the transportation of dry and bulk Cargos .

  12. 第二章探讨了长江散货运输需求的预测思路与方法。

    Chapter two will study predicting idea and methods of bulk cargo transportation demand of the Yangtze River .

  13. 长江干线重庆至上海航段干散货运输组织方式优化研究

    Study on Optimization of Transport Organization Modes of Dry Bulk from Chongqing to Shanghai Sea-route Section in Yangtze River

  14. 第三章应用时间序列和灰色预测的组合预测方法对国际于散货运输需求量预测,分析了未来五年国际干散货航运的运力需求趋势。

    Chapter three forecast the dry bulk cargo transportation volume by means of the Time Series Analysis and Grey Prediction .

  15. 国内沿海干散货运输市场与国际干散货运输市场之间的联系因此也越来越紧密。

    The connection between domestic coastal dry bulk transportation and international dry bulk transportation is also therefore tighter and tighter .

  16. 海运:经深圳港或香港至世界各地的集装箱与散货运输。

    Seaborne : Hong Kong via Shenzhen or Hong Kong to the rest of the world container and bulk cargo transport .

  17. 然后运用贸易发展周期的有关理论分析了国际贸易以及航运市场的发展变化情况,并分析了中国在贸易发展周期中所处的发展阶段,及其对于国际干散货运输市场的影响;

    Following that , international trade and shipping development and China 's role is analyzed using the Trade Development Cycles theory .

  18. 目前国际贸易的主体逐渐由传统的散货运输演变为集装箱运输,集装箱运输量持续高速增长。

    At present the international trade main body is gradually changed from the traditional bulk cargo transportation to the container traffic ;

  19. 世界干散货运输船队在世界海运船队中占有极其重要的地位,特别是在大宗货物运输方面。

    The world bulk fleet plays a significant role in the world shipping , especially in the large amount cargo shipping .

  20. 长江散货运输对沿江经济的发展具有重要的支撑作用。

    Bulk cargo waterway transportation in the Yangtze River plays an important role on supporting economy development along the Yangtze River area .

  21. 最后得出评价结论并对环渤海地区港口干散货运输的规划和发展提出建议。

    Finally it concludes the analysis and forwards some advice on the planning and development of bulk shipping around the Bohai sea .

  22. 干散货运输潜伏着因货物移位而引起船舶发生倾斜甚至倾覆的危险性。

    In transporting dry bulk cargo by sea , there exist the dangers of listing andcapsizing due to the shifting of the cargo .

  23. 本文首先简要介绍了干散货运输和干散货市场在国内外的发展概况,并对国际干散货运输市场的供需现状和发展趋势作了详尽的分析;

    This paper firstly makes a brief introduction to the dry bulk shipping market , and then analyzes its current status and development trend .

  24. 为此,本文在最后提出了长江散货运输与沿江社会经济和谐发展的对策与建议。

    Therefore , the paper gives some countermeasures and suggestions to the harmonious development of the Yangtse River bulk-cargo transportation and riparian social economy .

  25. 并给出了改善长江散货运输组织方式和提高长江航运发展水平的相关建议。

    And also some suggestions to improve the bulk cargo transportation organization of the Yangtze River and the shipping development level of it are proposed .

  26. 以后几年,随着世界经济的逐步回升,世界海上散货运输市场前景看好。

    In the next years the prospect of the market of the world bulk cargo transportation will be better with the world 's economy recovering gradually .

  27. 第三章对沿海干散货运输市场需求进行了定性预测,并在此基础上运用科学的预测方法对内贸干散货货运量进行了预测。

    Thirdly , forecast the quality of this market , and on this basis also forecast the quantity of dry bulk cargo by scientific forecasting method ;

  28. 长江干散货运输企业,特别是民营干散货运输企业,正面临着严峻的考验和挑战,也面临着难得的发展机遇。

    Yangtze River dry bulk transport enterprises , especially private enterprises , are facing severe tests and challenges . They are also facing rare opportunities for development .

  29. 这里以某航运集团江海直达干散货运输为实际分析背景,得到最终的评价比较结果。

    In this paper , the dry bulk transport of the one certain shipping company is the background for the analyzing . The final comparing results are obtained .

  30. 对经济危机影响下长江干散货运输企业的经营现状进行了分析,提出了长江干散货运输企业可采取的经营战略类型及模式。

    It focuses on the current operating situation of the Yangtze River dry bulk cargo shipping enterprise , on the basis of market conditions affected by economic crisis .