
  • 网络OED;the oxford english dictionary;oxford dictionary of english
  1. 然而,牛津英语词典第二版在1503年引用了“fukkit”。但是,这个词的拼写最早出现在1535年,诗人SirDavidLyndesay写道:“Bischops…mayf***thairfillandbevnmaryit.”

    The OED 's second edition , however , cites " fukkit " in 1503 , but the earliest current spelling appears as " Bischops ... may f * * * thair fill and be vnmaryit " from poet Sir David Lyndesay in 1535 .

  2. 该句中egg与奶酪、鱼和黄油放在一起显然说明了egg(正如牛津英语词典里解释的那样)是指用来作为事物的家禽的蛋。

    In this instance , listed alongside cheese , fish , and butter , it is clear that the egg is ( as the OED definition phrases it ) an egg of a domestic fowl as an article of food .

  3. LOL在2011年被《牛津英语词典》收录。

    LOL was included in Oxford English Dictionary in 2011 .

  4. Emoji这个单词--在日语里意味着图像(e)和字符(moji)--于2013年被列入牛津英语词典。

    The term - which means picture ( e ) and character ( moji ) in Japanese - was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013 .

  5. 经过多年演变,它的意思逐渐演变,如今已经变得迥然不同:按照《简明牛津英语词典》(ConciseOED)的释义,它表示“短促、尖利的叫声,尤其是由于疼痛或受惊所致”。

    Over the years , it came to mean something quite different : " a short , sharp cry , especially of pain or alarm " as the concise OED puts it .

  6. 因此在正在编撰的第三版的牛津英语词典中也没有必要对chicken和egg的含义进行修订。也许等到词典词目得到更新后这一问题会得到解决吧,但至少现在我们还不能确定。

    It is also worth noting that neither chicken nor egg have yet been revised in the ongoing creation of the third edition of the OED . Its possible that this question will be resolved when the entries are updated , but for now we cant be certain .

  7. 据牛津英语词典介绍,McJob一词于20年前首次出现在《华盛顿邮报》上。

    The word first cropped up two decades ago in the Washington Post , according to the dictionary .

  8. 牛津英语词典解释说诸如LOL或者OMG之类的缩写,它们的作用已经远远超过了节省空间,而且它们的意思已经有异于它们的原型,是比单纯的缩略语更多一些些。

    The OED explains that shorthands such as LOL and OMG have gone beyond just saving space and acquired nuanced meanings of their own , with a bit more than simple abbreviation going on .

  9. 多数新词都要过个十年才能被考虑收入牛津英语词典,然而JK罗琳在《哈利?波特与魔法石》首次造出的新词“麻瓜”却是个例外。

    Most words have to be around for 10 years before they will be considered for the Oxford English Dictionary , but JK Rowling 's word " muggle " - which made its debut in Philosopher 's Stone - was an exception .

  10. “全球语言监督”机构把“emoji”这个词评为今年的最流行语,牛津英语词典还收入了这个单词(这很有趣,因为它是一个用来描述并不真正使用单词的概念的单词)。

    Emoji was crowned as this year 's top-trending word by the Global Language Monitor , and it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary ( funny , because it 's a word that describes the concept of not actually using words ) .

  11. 《牛津英语词典》网络版流行或将停止印刷。

    Death of the published dictionary : Oxford English Dictionary to exist solely online .

  12. 除了自负的《牛津英语词典》之外,很少有字典能提供足够的用法示例。

    Few dictionaries other than the vaunted Oxford English Dictionary provide enough usage examples .

  13. 大多数词典,像《牛津英语词典》,都有一个网络版本。

    Most dictionaries , like the Oxford English Dictionary , have an online version .

  14. 《牛津英语词典》之中大约收录了120个含有中文渊源的词,她说。

    We have nearly 120 Chinese-linked words now in Oxford English Dictionary , she said .

  15. “愤怒管理”一词最早被引用是在1975年的《牛津英语词典》中。

    The first reference to the term cited by the Oxford English Dictionary comes in 1975 ,

  16. 幸福感在《新牛津英语词典》中的含义是舒适、健康和愉快的状态。

    Happiness in the " New Oxford English Dictionary " is the meaning of comfort , health and happy state .

  17. 很容易想象,某个日本冲浪者得一直开着《牛津英语词典》的窗口才能在这门外语里航行。

    One can easily imagine a Japanese surfer keeping the OED window permanently open to help him navigate an alien language .

  18. 他用这些材料作为讨论材料,然后他仔细把这些材料,像牛津英语词典这样整理起来。

    And he uses those as discussion materials and Then he 's carefully indexed those against things Like the Oxford English edition .

  19. 长达20卷的《牛津英语词典》第二版中有171476个仍在使用的单词词条,还有47156个废弃单词词条。

    The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171476 words in current use , and 47156 obsolete words .

  20. 在收入词典前,新词会先在官方网站上公布。《牛津英语词典》网络版每季度更新一次。

    The new words will be first uploaded on the official website before the dictionaries arrive . The online version is also renewed every three months .

  21. 新版《牛津英语词典》收录了“社交媒体”(用于社交的网站和应用程序)和“微博”(撰写篇幅短小的博客)等该领域的词汇。

    The dictionary now offers social media - websites and applications used for social networking - and microblogging , or posting short entries on a blog .

  22. 牛津英语词典轻蔑地将这个词定义为“涉及他人、细节真实性未经验证的……不节制的谈话”。

    The Oxford dictionary defines it disdainfully as " unconstrained conversation ... about other people , typically involving details which are not confirmed as true . "

  23. 不幸的是,我们在英语里并没有发现这个词使用的渊源,部分原因据说是牛津英语词典的最初编写者认为这个词是禁忌。

    Unfortunately , we don 't have much evidence of use in English , partly because the original Oxford English Dictionary 's creators reportedly considered it taboo .

  24. 牛津英语词典在一份网上声明中详尽地解释了这一决定,并且指出这些引人注意的缩写与网络沟通语言有着密不可分的联系。

    The OED explained the decision extensively in an online statement and pointed out many of these noteworthy initialisms * are strongly associated with the language of electronic communications .

  25. 没有敲锣打鼓的大肆宣扬,这个称呼就这么(默默地)新增了:牛津英语词典会考虑增添到下一版的官方版本和数据库当中。

    The title has been added , without fanfare , to official forms and databases and is under consideration by the Oxford English Dictionary for inclusion in its next edition .

  26. 牛津英语词典资深编辑菲欧娜·麦克弗森在点评电臀舞一词时说:我们相信,这个词和这种舞起源相同。

    Commenting on twerking , Fiona McPherson , senior editor of Oxford English Dictionary , said : ' We are confident that it is the same origins as the dance .

  27. 词典编辑是一项非常巨大的工作。例如《牛津英语词典》的编辑们就收集了数百万张卡片,编辑工作历经数十年。

    For a really big job of dictionary writing , such as the Oxford English Dictionary , millions of such cards are collected , and the task of editing occupies decades .

  28. 《牛津英语词典》上记载:“在古罗马时期,一些有关于马尔斯的节日都在三月举行,想必是为了战争时期做准备,因为马尔斯是一位战神。”

    As the Oxford English Dictionary notes , ' In ancient Rome several festivals of Mars took place in March , presumably in preparation for the campaigning season , since Mars was a god of war . '

  29. 目前,《牛津英语词典》收录了一千多个源于中文的词条,并且,自20世纪90年代中期以来,似乎有越来越多的中文词出现在英文中。

    Over 1,000 words of Chinese origin can now be found in the Oxford English Dictionary and , since the mid-1990s , the adoption of Chinese words and phrases into English seems to have been on the rise .

  30. 在今年夏天的南非世界杯上一鸣惊人的喇叭“呜呜祖拉”近日被《牛津英语词典》收录,该词典主要根据语言在现实生活中的使用情况而编撰。

    The vuvuzela , the horn instrument which provided the soundtrack to this summer 's football in South Africa , is one new entry in the Oxford Dictionary of English , which is based on how language is really used .