- 网络OED;the oxford english dictionary;oxford dictionary of english

The OED 's second edition , however , cites " fukkit " in 1503 , but the earliest current spelling appears as " Bischops ... may f * * * thair fill and be vnmaryit " from poet Sir David Lyndesay in 1535 .
In this instance , listed alongside cheese , fish , and butter , it is clear that the egg is ( as the OED definition phrases it ) an egg of a domestic fowl as an article of food .
LOL was included in Oxford English Dictionary in 2011 .
The term - which means picture ( e ) and character ( moji ) in Japanese - was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013 .
Over the years , it came to mean something quite different : " a short , sharp cry , especially of pain or alarm " as the concise OED puts it .
It is also worth noting that neither chicken nor egg have yet been revised in the ongoing creation of the third edition of the OED . Its possible that this question will be resolved when the entries are updated , but for now we cant be certain .
The word first cropped up two decades ago in the Washington Post , according to the dictionary .
The OED explains that shorthands such as LOL and OMG have gone beyond just saving space and acquired nuanced meanings of their own , with a bit more than simple abbreviation going on .
Most words have to be around for 10 years before they will be considered for the Oxford English Dictionary , but JK Rowling 's word " muggle " - which made its debut in Philosopher 's Stone - was an exception .
Emoji was crowned as this year 's top-trending word by the Global Language Monitor , and it was added to the Oxford English Dictionary ( funny , because it 's a word that describes the concept of not actually using words ) .
Death of the published dictionary : Oxford English Dictionary to exist solely online .
Few dictionaries other than the vaunted Oxford English Dictionary provide enough usage examples .
Most dictionaries , like the Oxford English Dictionary , have an online version .
We have nearly 120 Chinese-linked words now in Oxford English Dictionary , she said .
The first reference to the term cited by the Oxford English Dictionary comes in 1975 ,
Happiness in the " New Oxford English Dictionary " is the meaning of comfort , health and happy state .
One can easily imagine a Japanese surfer keeping the OED window permanently open to help him navigate an alien language .
And he uses those as discussion materials and Then he 's carefully indexed those against things Like the Oxford English edition .
The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171476 words in current use , and 47156 obsolete words .
The new words will be first uploaded on the official website before the dictionaries arrive . The online version is also renewed every three months .
The dictionary now offers social media - websites and applications used for social networking - and microblogging , or posting short entries on a blog .
The Oxford dictionary defines it disdainfully as " unconstrained conversation ... about other people , typically involving details which are not confirmed as true . "
Unfortunately , we don 't have much evidence of use in English , partly because the original Oxford English Dictionary 's creators reportedly considered it taboo .
The OED explained the decision extensively in an online statement and pointed out many of these noteworthy initialisms * are strongly associated with the language of electronic communications .
The title has been added , without fanfare , to official forms and databases and is under consideration by the Oxford English Dictionary for inclusion in its next edition .
Commenting on twerking , Fiona McPherson , senior editor of Oxford English Dictionary , said : ' We are confident that it is the same origins as the dance .
For a really big job of dictionary writing , such as the Oxford English Dictionary , millions of such cards are collected , and the task of editing occupies decades .
As the Oxford English Dictionary notes , ' In ancient Rome several festivals of Mars took place in March , presumably in preparation for the campaigning season , since Mars was a god of war . '
Over 1,000 words of Chinese origin can now be found in the Oxford English Dictionary and , since the mid-1990s , the adoption of Chinese words and phrases into English seems to have been on the rise .
The vuvuzela , the horn instrument which provided the soundtrack to this summer 's football in South Africa , is one new entry in the Oxford Dictionary of English , which is based on how language is really used .