
  • 网络yongzhou city
  1. 以湖南省永州市为个案研究的对象,辅以问卷调查和访谈的形式,采用国际通用的数据处理软件spss分析得来的数据,比较准确地探知高中语文教师课程意识的现状及影响因素。

    Taking Yongzhou City as an example , supplemented with questionnaires and interviews , the study analyzes the data with SPSS , so that the situations and influencing factors of curriculum consciousness of senior Chinese teachers are accurately explored .

  2. 永州市学校食品卫生现况调查

    Survey of hygienic status of food in schools of Yongzhou City

  3. 永州市人力资源开发与区域经济可持续发展

    Human Resources Development and Sustainable Development of Regional Economy in Yongzhou

  4. 永州市经济发展水平对学校体育发展的影响

    Economy development level of Yangzhou influent to P.E. development of school

  5. 永州市城市建设投融资模式研究

    The Analysis of Investing & Financing for YongZhou City Construction

  6. 关于永州市农民收入变化的思考

    The Thought on Changes of Yongzhou Farmers ′ Income

  7. 永州市是典型的农业大市。

    Yongzhou city is a big typical agriculture city .

  8. 永州市民事行政检察监督工作调研报告

    The Research Report about the Civil Administrative Procuratorial Supervisory Work in Yongzhou City

  9. 永州市野生葡萄资源调查研究

    Investigation and Research on Wild Vitis Resource in Yongzhou

  10. 永州市烟草公司全面预算管理应用研究

    The Application Research on the Total Budgetary Management in YongZhou City Tobacco Company

  11. 湖南省永州市华支睾吸虫病高度流行区的流行病学调查

    Epidemiological Survey on Clonorchiasis sinensis in an Endemic Area of South Hunan Province

  12. 永州市财政管理体制改革问题研究

    Reforms on Fiscal Management System of Yongzhou City

  13. 加快永州市农业产业化龙头企业发展研究

    Studies on Accelerating the Development of Leading Enterprises of Agricultural Industrialization in Yongzhou City

  14. 经济数学模型对永州市近期粮油价格的分析

    Analysis on price of recent grain and oil in Yongzhou of economic mathematical model

  15. 湖南永州市第二届”巴克兰杯“中学生英语口语大赛花絮(2009.07。)

    The2nd Buckland Cup Yongzhou High School English Speech Contest finals ( 2009.07 . )

  16. 基于相对资源承载力的永州市可持续发展研究

    Studies on the Sustainable Development in Yongzhou City Based on Relative Carrying Capacity of Resources

  17. 永州市零陵区健康人群脊髓灰质炎抗体水平监测分析

    Analysis of Polio Antibody Levels Surveillance In healthy Population in LingLing District of Yongzhou City

  18. 永州市零陵区青少年健康危险行为现况调查

    Survey on Current Situation of Health Risk Behaviors in Adolescents of Lingling District , Yongzhou City

  19. 湖南永州市某涉外宾馆蜚蠊杀灭效果分析

    Analysis on the effect of cockroaches ' killing in some international hotels in Yongzhou , Hunan

  20. [方法]对1985年、1990年、1995年、2000年、2005年学生健康监测中的视力资料进行统计分析。[结果]永州市中小学生视力低下率随年度的延续而上升;

    [ Methods ] Date about eyesight in health surveillance in 1985,1990,1995,2000 and 2005 were analyzed .

  21. 湖南永州市食用淡水鱼感染华枝睾吸虫囊蚴调查

    Survey of infectious status of fresh water fish with Opisthorchis sinensis in Yongzhou City , Hunan Province

  22. 阐明了永州市经济发展和高等职业教育的现状及存在问题。

    Which illustrates the economic development and the higher vocational education present situation and the existence question .

  23. 方法分析永州市各县区2002~2003年上报的部分狂犬病个案调查表。

    Methods some of individual case investigation tables during the period of 2002 ~ 2003 were analyzed .

  24. 永州市零陵区农村中老年人高血压流行病学现况调查

    Epidemiological Survey on Hypertension of Middle-aged and Elderly People in Villages of Lingling District , Yongzhou City

  25. 第一节介绍永州市建制沿革、地理、人口、语言(方言)基本情况;

    The first part tells the history , geography , population and language ( or dialects ) in Yongzhou .

  26. 永州市零陵区城乡居民肿瘤相关知识、态度、行为调查

    Investigation on Tumor-related Knowledge , Attitude and Behavior Among Urban and Rural Residents in Lingling District , Yongzhou City

  27. 新型农村合作医疗问题与对策研究&基于永州市零陵区的调查

    Problems and Countermeasures of New-type Rural Cooperative Medical System & Based on the Survey in Lingling of Yongzhou City

  28. 改革开放以来,永州市的对外经贸取得了很大的发展。

    The reforms to open since then , Yongzhou City of foreign trade and economy obtain very big development .

  29. 历史文化名城的保护与城市特色创造&以永州市为例

    Protection of Historic Cities of Culture and Creation of the Characteristic of Cities ── Taking Yongzhou City for Example

  30. 永州市零陵区2005&2007年儿童计划免疫接种率调查

    Survey on Vaccination Rate of Child Expanded Programme on Immunization from 2005 to 2007 in Lingling District , Yongzhou City