
  1. 每个人都会害怕些啥,所以假如你发现&个男人非常怕失去你,那是因为爱上你le。

    Every man is afraid of something . That 's how you know he 's in love with you ; when he is afraid of losing you .

  2. 球迷们会因为你保持自我而爱上你,就像他们喜欢林书豪一样。朱迪·加兰(JudyGarland)此言妙矣:“永远做一流版本的自己,不做二流版本的别人。”(Alwaysbeafirst-rateversionofyourself,insteadofasecond-rateversionofsomebodyelse.)

    Fans will love you for being you , just like they love Jeremy Lin. Judy Garland said it best : Always be a first-rate version of yourself , instead of a second-rate version of somebody else . 7 .

  3. 但若我爱上你,你可要当心!

    But if I love you , look out for yourself !

  4. 她居然以为我会爱上你。

    She actually thought that I was gonna fall for you .

  5. 我5岁的时候就爱上你了。

    I had a crush on you when I was five .

  6. 我鄙视自己,只因曾经让自己爱上你。

    I despise myself for allowing myself to love you once .

  7. 你觉得威廉姆先生爱上你啦?

    Do you think Sir William was in love with you ?

  8. 我爱上你双唇微启的样子。

    I loved the way your lips were so slightly parted .

  9. 她五岁时就爱上你了。

    She 's been in love with you since she was5 .

  10. 你担心我会爱上你吗?

    You worried that I 'm falling in love with you ?

  11. 水说:你知道我不可能爱上你。

    Water wrote : You know I can not love you .

  12. 原来信的落款是:一个爱上你的母猪。

    The original letter is inscribed : a love you sow .

  13. 只因一首歌,让我爱上你。

    It was just one song That made me love you .

  14. “我想我爱上你了。”他说。

    " I thought I love you !" he said .

  15. 如同爱上你时我的灵魂。

    That flash like my soul when I love you .

  16. 当男人每天都给你打电话时,他爱上你了。

    When a guy calls you everyday , he is in love .

  17. 爱上你应该是很自然的事。

    It 's so natural accepting you , loving you .

  18. 强迫她爱上你仅仅是比乞求她爱上你稍好一点的办法而已。

    You can 't force her to fall in love with you .

  19. 我不会爱上你,除非出于爱

    I do not love you except because I love you

  20. 吻我的斯蒂芬妮!让她爱上你!

    Kissing my stephanie ! Making her fall in love !

  21. 在早些日子里,我也许会爱上你。

    I might have loved thee in some former days .

  22. 友子,我就是那时爱上你的!

    Tomoko , that was when I fell in love with you !

  23. 我的错是不该爱上你的儿子。

    My mistake was falling in love with your son .

  24. 我会疼你,但我真的能爱上你吗?

    I Love You , But I Will Hurt You Or Not ?

  25. 我爱上你,也没有感到羞耻。

    I 'm not ashamed of my love for you .

  26. 反正黑人姐妹不会爱上你。

    Not that the sisters would show you love anyway .

  27. 杰妮,我想我已经爱上你了。

    Jeanie , I believe that I 'm in love with you .

  28. 如果有的话,那他可能真的爱上你了!

    Well , maybe it 's because he loves you !

  29. 假如这一刻我爱上你。

    If I fell in love with you this moment .

  30. 不,我爱上你了!

    Teresa : No , I 'm falling in love with you !