
ài cái
  • value high talent
爱才 [ài cái]
  • 爱惜人才。《文明小史》第二十三回:“其实我只爱才的意思,但你所说要改回中国打扮,岂是容易的?”

  1. 弗里曼·托马斯说:“我总是被我的热情所牵引着”。TED的讲演者因为有爱才做事情,不是为了钱。

    Freeman Thomas says , " I 'm driven by my passion . " TEDsters do it for love ; they don 't do it for money .

  2. 第一点是激情,FreemanThomas说:“我总是被我的热情所牵引着”TED的讲演者因为有爱才做事情,不是为了钱。

    Freeman Thomas says , " I 'm driven by my passion . " TED-sters do it for love ; they don 't do it for money .

  3. 也许是通过赋予,爱才显现出来并通过评价表现出来。

    Maybe through bestowal , love came and are sent through appraisal .

  4. 直到这时,她对方草地的爱才充分奔放出来。

    It was then that her love for Meadowland flowed most fully .

  5. 扬升,就是记得唯有爱才是真的。

    Ascension , is remembering that only love is real .

  6. 但是亲爱的,这都不算什么,你的爱才是我的奇迹。

    But they aren 't nothing baby , Your love amazes me .

  7. 你还声称是出于爱才这么说!

    And you claim you said it out of love !

  8. 这就是进化和扩展的爱才是真的。

    That 's what evolution and the expansion of love are really about .

  9. 我想让你明白你是为爱才和我结婚

    " I want to know that you 're here for love . "

  10. 也许隐忍的爱才是真正热烈的爱。

    Perhaps bears patiently the love only then is the true warm love .

  11. 在这如梦的世界中,爱才是真实的。

    In this world of dreams , love is the one true thing .

  12. 飞过人间的无常,才懂爱才是宝藏。

    Flew over the impermanence of the world , is the only Dongai treasures .

  13. 因着谦卑我们的爱才变得真实,投入和充满热情。

    It is in being humble that our love becomes real , devoted and ardent .

  14. 只有爱才是真的

    Only love is real . Yes .

  15. 人生的第一意义便是生活,人必须生活着,爱才有所依附。

    Man has to live , and then love will have something to fall back on .

  16. 温柔的爱才最可爱。

    Tender love makes you perfect .

  17. 经过了那么多事情之后,才感觉父母的健康和爱才是最宝贵的。

    After so many things , the parents will feel healthy and love is the most precious .

  18. 你的爱才是我的奇迹。

    Your love amazes me .

  19. 被爱才有意义,

    to be loved is something

  20. 正是为了爱才悄悄躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。

    Is to love quietly escape , escape the shadow that does not hide is that silently .

  21. 当恐惧存在的时候,爱才可存在为一件可能被经验的东西。

    In the moment fear existed , love could exist as a thing that could be experienced .

  22. 只有在这种否定的状态里爱才存在,不是在肯定的状态。

    It is only in the negative state that love can be , not in the positive state .

  23. 他肯定和赞扬“神人”,认为至善至爱才是人悲惨命运的拯救力量。

    He affirms and praises god-man , considering goodness and love is the power of misery fates redemption .

  24. 一个爱才者必须具备卓识和胆识,前者是识别人才,而后者是保护人才。

    Everyone may have a feeling for qualified personnel , but it is quite difficult to be a true one .

  25. 相互的爱才是婚姻,爱情一旦死亡,爱情死亡之后的婚姻束缚亦不应存在。

    Mutual affection is marriage and marriage tie should not bind after the death of love , if love should die .

  26. 你们之所以空虚,是因为你们的整个文明都已遗忘:爱才是欢乐、圆满与生命的根基。

    You are empty as your entire civilization has forgotten that love is the foundation of joy , fulfillment and life .

  27. 只有爱才是解决之道,爱是对你的妻子、孩子、邻居的善良之心。

    Love is the only solvent , and love is kindness to your wife , to your child , to your neighbour .

  28. 是错过了彼此的爱才在今生补偿,还是恩爱一生不够还要幸福三生?

    Missed each other 's love only then to compensate in this life , love life insufficiently also wants happily three to live ?

  29. 爱是发自内心的一种情感,只有无私的爱才最真挚、人并且永远不会失去。

    The love is an emotion , onlying have to have no private love just most earnestness , feeling person and can never lose .

  30. 如果你站在别人的立场上,你也许会意识到他或她是因为无知、害怕、甚至是爱才那样做的。

    If you empathize with that person , you may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance , fear -- even love .