
  1. 《财富》:并非每个游戏公司高管自己都爱玩游戏。

    Fortune : Not every gaming executive is a gamer themselves .

  2. 你比谁都爱玩游戏。

    You play more games than the damn nba .

  3. 她爱玩游戏是吗?

    She loves to play games . She does ?

  4. 所以,如果说你的孩子爱玩游戏机的,而美国艺电公司是这些游戏的开发商。

    So if your kids are playing video games , Electronic Arts makes the video games .

  5. A:我爱玩游戏和体育运动,这是我最大的爱好。

    A : I like playing games and having sports . They are my favorite hobbies .

  6. 他们还是第一个掏出信用卡在机上购物的旅客,也是最爱玩游戏的旅客。

    They are also the first to reach for their credit card for some in-flight shopping and the biggest fans of gaming .

  7. 她爱玩游戏如果你想在她愿意之前探明她的打算那你就是自讨没趣

    She loves to play games , and you 're fooling yourself if you think you 're going to find out what she 's up to before she wants you to know .

  8. 男生会喜欢爱玩欲擒故纵游戏的女生吗?

    Do boys like girls who enjoy playing hard-to-get ?

  9. 不仅学生并且老师也爱玩这个游戏。

    Not only the students but also the teacher likes playing thi game .

  10. 酷!我妈也爱玩这游戏!

    Cool ! My mom loves that game !

  11. 你业余时间还有什么爱好?我爱读书,也爱玩电脑游戏。

    I read a lot , I also play quite a lot of video games .

  12. “但是因为没有谁跟我说过”大富翁“只有孩子才能玩,所以成年后我仍然爱玩这个游戏。

    Nobody told me Monopoly was only for kids , so I just kept playing the game as an adult .

  13. 布兰登•桑德森从小就爱玩任天堂游戏机,这个爱好直到现在也没有放弃。

    Brandon Sanderson grew up playing video games on Nintendo ( ntdoy ) consoles , a hobby he never gave up .

  14. 此前的调查发现爱玩暴力游戏的人侵略性较强,但是有人说这只能说明具有暴力倾向的人喜欢玩暴力游戏。

    Previous research has found people who play such games are more likely to be aggressive but some say this just shows violent people gravitate towards them .

  15. 仁爱堂田家炳小学一群学生在开幕礼上表演,展示他们小息时爱玩的游戏。

    As part of the ceremony , students from the Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Primary School gave a performance to illustrate the activities they enjoy doing during recess .

  16. 爱玩视频暴力游戏的人并不觉得自己跟其他人有什么不一样。他们的感觉变得迟钝。

    People who play a lot of violent video games didn 't see them as much different from neutral .

  17. 这让我想起早期的战争电影,和弟弟胡沙尔爱玩的电玩游戏。

    It made me think of old war movies or the video games my brother Khushal loves to play .

  18. 而且他喜欢变换花样,这一阵爱玩一种游戏,过一会儿又腻了。很可能下一次你再往下坠时,他就由你去了。

    Also he was fond of variety , and the sport that engrossed him one moment would suddenly cease to engage him , so there was always the possibility that the next time you fell he would let you go .

  19. 有人说,人类是爱玩的动物,游戏创造了人,人在游戏中创造了世界。

    Some people say , people are animals that love to play , games create people ; in games people create the world .