
  1. 让我给你呈现一位父亲的爱心吧。

    Let me show you the loving heart of a father .

  2. 我想,这也是守护自己的爱心吧!

    I think this is also the guardian of her love bar !

  3. 奉献爱心吧,从中你会发现生活的力量,感受生活带来的幸福快乐,学会忍耐和理解。

    Give love , for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy , happiness , patience and understanding .

  4. 让我们的捐款、我们的爱心快飞吧!飞到灾区去,为灾民们做贡献吧!

    I wish all our donated money and our love will fly to Sichuan very soon , to help the victims very soon .

  5. 请献出爱心来帮助它们吧,好人会有好报的!

    Please join us to help them , your love will make their life diffrent .

  6. 这个经历让我想起特蕾莎修女曾经说过了一句话:“如果你做不了伟大的事情,那就用伟大的爱心做点小事吧。”

    This experience remained me of something Mother Teresa once said : " If you cannot do great things , you can do small things with great love . "