
  1. 为什么留恋一个不爱你的人?

    Why would you want to be with someonewho doesn 't love you ?

  2. 但是现在,O2是一个让每个爱你的人哭泣的地方。

    But now , O2 is a place to cry for every love you people .

  3. 这些爱你的人是不会错的。

    All those people who love you can 't be wrong !

  4. 为爱你的人挖掘一条无法穿越的鸿沟

    To dig an uncrossible river For the one who loves you

  5. 有我们这帮爱你的人支持你!

    All of us who love you will always support you !

  6. 他们并不总是最爱你的人。

    They 're not always the oneswho love you the most .

  7. 应该是比任何人都还要爱你的人。

    Who 's supposed to love you more than anyone else .

  8. 坐在爱你的人身旁你会永远无穷力量。

    It is powerful to sit with the ones who love you .

  9. 爱你的人无论你做了什么傻事。

    People who love you no matter how stupid you 're acting .

  10. 我想我要代表每个爱你的人。

    I think I speak for everybody who loves you .

  11. 爱你的人永远让你失掉任何损伤。

    Anyone who loves you never wants you to get any hurt .

  12. 你需要一个爱你的人,紧紧握住你手

    " You need someone that needs you , hoid you tight "

  13. 爱上一个不爱你的人是很难受的,但最让人痛苦的是

    Love a person and that person does not love you is very

  14. 做一个爱你的人,却不拥有你的知己!

    A love you of person , but not with your friends !

  15. 放弃一个爱你的人,并不痛苦;

    To abandon the one who loves u , does not hurt ;

  16. 对于喜欢你的人,或者是爱你的人。

    To the people who love you or like you .

  17. 如果我确定了这个世界有比我爱你的人。

    If I have identified in this world than I love you people .

  18. 对那些爱你的人,你恰恰是最苛刻的。

    It 's the people who love you you are the hardest on .

  19. 所有那些爱你的人,不要将他们抛掷一旁。

    All the people that love you , don 't cast them aside .

  20. 我是真正爱你的人。

    I 'm the one that really loves you .

  21. 并去关心那些不爱你的人,他们也会改变。

    Loving to those who do not love you ; they may change .

  22. 三个世上最爱你的人

    It 's the three people who love you the most in the world

  23. 你也是爱你的人的奴隶,因为他爱了你。

    And a slave to him who loves you because he loves you .

  24. 你要相信世界上一定会有一个爱你的人。

    You have to believe there will be a world who love you .

  25. 别让自己痛苦,别让爱你的人痛苦。

    Do not let your own pain , Do not love your suffering .

  26. 放弃一个很爱你的人,并不痛苦。

    Give up a person who loves you very much , not painful .

  27. 为爱你的人,挖掘一条无法穿越的鸿沟。

    To dig an uncrossable river , For the one who loves you .

  28. 要为耶路撒冷求和平:愿爱你的人都兴旺。

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem : they shall prosper that love thee .

  29. 爱你的人假如没有按你所期望的方式爱你。

    Just because someone doesn 't love you the way you want him to .

  30. 真正爱你的人不会把你当作偶像。

    We never think you are an idol .