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  • popcorn;puffed rice;puff rice
爆米花 [bào mǐ huā]
  • (1) [puffed rice]∶一种食品,把大米或玉米放在特制的密闭容器加热至熟,打开后米粒因气压作用炸裂成爆米花

  • (2) [puff rice]∶制作爆米花

爆米花[bào mǐ huā]
  1. 他仍站在收银机后,嘴里塞满了爆米花。

    He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn .

  2. 另外,其他研究表明,观看啤酒和爆米花的广告使人更有可能食用它们。

    And other studies have found that watching ads for beer and popcorn may make you more likely to consume them .

  3. 上一部电影昨天在广场剧院结束,几分钟后,员工们正忙着清扫爆米花和捡可乐杯。

    Minutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater , employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups .

  4. 我吃了爆米花、香蕉和棒棒糖。

    I ate popcorn , banana and lollipop .

  5. 我们可以那么做,但我们去哪里弄爆米花呢?asidefrom除.……以外videostore音像店highdefinition高清晰mytreat我请客

    Rudy : We could do that , but where would we get the popcorn ?

  6. 袋装中号(size)的爆米花其所含成分量和大桶是一样的。

    The medium size popcorn , which comes in a bag , contains the same amount as the large .

  7. 有一次去Facebook,迎接我的是一袋妙不可言的爆米花。

    On one trip to Facebook , I was treated to an otherworldly bag of popcorn .

  8. 人们举行隆重的户外庆祝仪式(气温经常低至0°C以下)。庆典上有美味的碧古鱼杂烩,三明治,甚至还有碧古鱼味的爆米花.

    Residents hold an entire outdoor celebration ( where the temperatures can often be well below freezing ) with walleye chowder , sandwiches and even walleye-flavoured popcorn .

  9. 10岁那年,他得到了一份工作:在奥马哈大学(UniversityofOmaha)橄榄球赛上卖花生和爆米花。

    At 10 , he got a job selling peanuts and popcorn at University of Omaha football games .

  10. 我们去看电影时,我的朋友总是径直走到(makesabeeline)卖爆米花的地方。

    When we go to see a movie , my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn .

  11. 做一大碗爆米花,互相依偎在DVD前看个家庭电影。

    Make a large bowl of popcorn and snuggle in front of the DVD to watch a family movie .

  12. 他带Sheila去看电影,买了一大桶爆米花

    He took Sheila to the movies , bought this big old thing of popcorn ,

  13. 因BGA基板具有叠层结构,水分不能首先透过基板。应优化BGA封装系统的设计,使其不易产生爆米花裂纹。

    A BGA substrate has a laminated structure , and therefore water cannot penetrate the substrate first .

  14. 这看起来是不是像在IMAX影院巨大桶的那种爆米花?

    Does that look like a gigantic bucket of popcorn on an IMAX screen ?

  15. EVP的合成及其在乙烯基吡咯烷酮爆米花聚合中的应用

    Synthesis of EVP and Its Application in Popcorn Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone

  16. 如果能再提供爆米花和碳酸饮料更不用说Gucci品牌的巧克力了那就更好了。

    If you can add popcorn and fizzy drinks – not to mention branded Gucci chocolate – so much the better .

  17. 上个月,一架自动无人机在英国乡村上空飞行13分钟,给一位剑桥附近的客户递送了一部亚马逊(Amazon)流媒体电视棒和一袋爆米花。

    This month an autonomous drone made a 13-minute flight over the British countryside to drop off an Amazon television-streaming stick and a bag of popcorn to a customer near Cambridge .

  18. 研究者人员BrianWansink,有一项报告作了个试验,研究了电影迷们看电影时盛放爆米花所使用大号或者超大号的容器会带来的后果。

    Researcher Brian Wansink said one study looked at moviegoers eating popcorn from either extra large or large containers .

  19. 上周日晚,为MTV电影奖投票的老百姓们把金灿灿的爆米花奖杯送出时,可都是以“好不好玩”作为最高的评判标准。

    The folks who vote for the MTV Movie Awards appeared to have fun as their top criteria when they handed out their golden popcorn trophy Sunday night .

  20. 不太健康但可能更受欢迎的Garrett爆米花店(GarrettPopcornShops)同样位于T2和T3。它专卖包含奶酪爆米花和焦糖爆米花两种爆米花的Garrett混合爆米花。

    Less healthy but perhaps more popular , Garrett Popcorn Shops , also in 2 and 3 , specialize in the Garrett Mix , a blend of cheese and caramel popcorn .

  21. 去年,《环球邮报》(GlobeandMail)从一场比赛现场报道称,周边商品放在“一张小桌子上售卖,包括三条士力架和三个塑料杯的焦糖爆米花”。外国银行的规定有时也导致给球员支薪的困难。

    The Globe and Mail reported from a game last year that concessions " were sold from a small table that included three Snickers bars and three plastic cups of caramel popcorn . " Foreign bank rules also made payments to players difficult at times .

  22. 九月,Watson的情况促使FDA调查双乙酰,全国最大的微波爆米花公司ConAgra宣布从他们的产品中去掉这种食品添加剂。

    In September , as word of Watson 's condition prompted the FDA to investigate diacetyl , ConAgra the nation 's largest microwave-popcorn produce vowed to remove the food additive from its products .

  23. 原位生成交联剂的NVP爆米花聚合反应分四个阶段进行,首先反应体系在较高温温度下反应一段时间,然后降温到一定的温度,经过一段诱导期后,最后发生爆米花聚合。

    Firstly , the system was held at a higher temperature for a period . Then , the temperature was lowered . After an induction period , the popcorn polymerization was initiating .

  24. 还有她女儿一边看《捉鬼敢死队》(Ghostbusters)一边大嚼咸味爆米花让她没法儿踏实睡觉。

    And when her daughter ate lots of salty popcorn and watched Ghostbusters she didn 't sleep so well .

  25. 研究者推荐的食物是Bamba,它是一种用爆米花和花生酱做成的以色列零食。

    The preferred food was Bamba , an Israeli snack made of puffed corn and peanut butter .

  26. 他们可能像安娜斯塔西娅(Anastasia)一样知道性爱即将来临,但他们没料到会有“红房间”(redroom)——一间黑暗的房间,在嚼爆米花声和吸健怡可乐声中,这里上演着离奇的性幻想。

    They may , like Anastasia , have worked out that sex was in the air , but they did not anticipate the " red room " - a darkened chamber where deviant fantasies are played out to the soundtrack of munched popcorn and the slurping of Diet Coke .

  27. Karnani说“一家四口去电影院看电影要花50美金,而这还不包括买爆米花的钱。”

    " Taking a family of four to a movie theater can cost $ 50 ," Karnani said . " And that 's before you buy popcorn . "

  28. 中国零售综合企业大连万达(DalianWanda)开始进军养猪业。万达旗下业务繁多,既在中国开发房地产,也在美国其拥有的电影院线售卖爆米花,其地产子公司本月将在香港上市。

    Dalian Wanda , the Chinese retail conglomerate aiming for a listing in Hong Kong this month , has added pig farming to its expansive list of business units , which includes such diverse things as Chinese property and the popcorn sold in its chain of US cinemas .

  29. 还是“我打翻了爆米花”那种盐?

    Or " oops , I spilled the popcorn " salt ?

  30. 所以才会把爆米花倒了你一身。

    So I had to dump my popcorn all over you .