
  • 网络explosive;explosive substance
  1. 处理爆炸品一定要慎之又慎。

    The utmost caution must be exercised when handling explosives .

  2. 爆炸品公路运输危险性的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy synthetic evaluation on risk of explosives in highway transportation

  3. 有辆警察摩托车护送的装爆炸品的卡车。

    There 's an explosives truck with a motorcycle escort .

  4. 爆炸品器材库的土建设计

    Civil Engineering Design for Explosive Product Material Storehouse

  5. 没有任何一辆车有爆炸品。

    No sign of explosives in either car .

  6. 取消军用爆炸品铁路关门车运输可行性研究

    Feasibility Research on Canceling the Holding Out Vehicle in Railway Transportation of Military Explosives

  7. 运送爆炸物品的矿车应标明“爆炸品、严禁烟火”的标志。

    The sign of " Explosives , No Smoking " must be shown on the wagon .

  8. 在我们的联军将塔利班赶下台后,这个扎卡威网络帮助建立了另一个毒药和爆炸品的训练营地。

    When our coalition ousted the Taliban , the Zarqaqi network helped establish another poison and explosive training center camp .

  9. 炮王不得在其工作地点使用任何并非由其雇主供应的爆炸品。

    Shot-firers shall not use at their working places any explosives other than those supplied to them by their employers .

  10. 在一九九九年,地盘平整工程和采石工程使用的爆炸品最多,总消耗量为2853公吨。

    The largest use of explosives during the year was for site formation and quarrying works . The overall consumption of explosives was 2 853 tonnes .

  11. 对当前农村涉爆犯罪有关问题的思考打击目标罪犯及其犯罪活动,特别是涉及使用枪械或爆炸品的案件。

    Relevant questions concerning the crimes related to explosion in present countryside ; C Target criminals and their activities , particularly those resorting to firearms or explosive devices .

  12. 民用爆炸品、放射性物品、核能物质和城镇燃气的经营,不适用本办法。

    The present Measures shall not apply to the operation of explosives , radioactive materials , nuclear energy materials to be used for civil purpose and urban gas .

  13. 这些人因涉嫌犯有夜盗罪而被拘留。打击目标罪犯及其犯罪活动,特别是涉及使用枪械或爆炸品的案件。

    The men were pulled in on suspicion of having committed a burglary . C Target criminals and their activities , particularly those resorting to firearms or explosive devices .