
  • 网络popcorn
  1. 四川爆玉米过氧化物酶的多型现象研究

    Study on the Polytypism of Peroxydases in Popcorn of Sichuan Province

  2. 结果:本组成骨不全中,23例有特殊表现,包括:①正常骺板变模糊或消失,骨骺、干骺区出现爆玉米花样钙化;

    Results : The following extraordinary X ray findings were found in 23 patients : ( 1 ) blurred or vanished epiphyseal plate , popcorn calcifications in epiphyses and metaphyses ;

  3. 汽爆玉米秸秆渣诱导产纤维素酶及其水解特性

    Characteristics of cellulase inducement and hydrolysis by steam exploded corn stover

  4. 汽爆玉米秸秆水提液制备糠醛的研究

    Preparation of furfural from water extraction of steam-exploded corn stalk

  5. 爆玉米原本是用来促进健康和减少性冲动的!

    Corn Flakes were originally designed to promote health and decrease sex drive !

  6. 玉米芯梳集器〔板〕螺杆挤压连续汽爆玉米秸秆的稀酸水解效果

    Hydrolysis effect of dilute acid on corn stalks by continuous screw extrusion steam explosion

  7. 让我们追踪焦糖爆玉米。

    Let 's track the cracker jacks .

  8. 但是,目前国内外对以汽爆玉米秸秆为原料发酵丁醇还缺少较系统的深入研究。因此,本文对以汽爆玉米秸秆为原料进行丁醇发酵展开了研究。

    But at present , whether in the domestic and overseas , the research of butanol fermentation from steam-exploded corn stalk also lack of systematic and dynamic in-depth study .