
  • 网络explosive reaction
  1. CO爆炸反应压力探讨

    Discussion about the Pressure of CO Explosive Reaction in Air

  2. NiAl的反应生成归结于机械碰撞诱发的爆炸反应机制。

    During milling the reaction mechanism of NiAl was attributed to explosive reaction induced by mechanical collision .

  3. 结果表明:用于发生爆炸反应的尿素含量及溶液pH值对反应影响很大,离子浓度对反应影响较小。

    The results show that the combustion process depends on the urea content and PH value of the solution .

  4. 利用高速摄影和红外测温计,实测了伴有爆炸反应的FAE燃料扩散速度、半径及云雾的温度;

    The dispersion Velocity , Radius and temperature of the fuel with explosive reaction were measured by use of high speed photography and infrared transducers .

  5. 但当TiC含量增加到20%时,其爆炸反应起始时间延后20min。

    It was found that the initial time of the explosive reaction was delayed 20 minutes as the volume fraction of TiC was increased to 20 % .

  6. 利用机械合金化和高温热压工艺制备NiAl纳米晶体材料,并研究了材料的微观组织和力学性能,结果表明,NiAl的反应生成归结于机械碰撞诱发的爆炸反应机制。

    Nanocrystalline NiAl has been synthesized by mechanical alloying elemental powders and hot pressing , its microstructure and mechanical properties have been investigated . The results show that the reaction mechanism of NiAl during milling can be attributed to explosive reaction induced by mechanical collision .

  7. 公众对这起爆炸反应强烈。

    Public reaction to the explosion has been overwhelming .

  8. 空调压缩机冷媒爆炸反应特征分析

    Analysis on explosive reaction characteristics of the compressor refrigerants

  9. 不同初始压力下氟利昂-空气混合气体爆炸反应参数的数值计算

    Numerical Calculation of Detonation Reaction Parameters of CHClF_2-Air Mixed Gas in Different Initial Pressures

  10. 碳氢燃料与卤素氟化物的爆炸反应特性

    Explosive Reaction Characteristics on Hydrocarbon and Fluorine Agent

  11. 在瓦斯爆炸反应区内,中间产物的成分沿管道横断面分布也不均匀&管道中、上部是发光较弱的气体产物,放热量较大;

    The distribution of intermediate products in the explosion reaction zone is also non uniform .

  12. 钠遇水就会产生爆炸反应。

    Sodium reacts explosively with water .

  13. 多孔硅具有极高的孔隙率和很强的吸附性,在其孔隙内掺入高氯酸钠组分形成一种可发生爆炸反应的复合含能材料。

    Porous silicon owns very high porosity and strong adsorption , sodium perchlorate were mixed into its holes to form energetic composite .

  14. 采用高速摄影法及通过对爆炸反应区内不同部位温度的测量,对瓦斯爆炸传播火焰的特性进行了试验研究。

    By measuring the temperature at different positions in the reaction zone and using high speed photography , the property of propagating flames in gas explosion was investigated .

  15. 然而,据最近文献报道,如果此类反应在封闭体系(溶剂热条件下)中进行,爆炸反应则可以被避免。

    In view of recent reports , however , the explosion can be avoided if the reaction is taken place in sealed container ( solvothermal condition ) instead of open vessels .

  16. 当变应原(例如花粉微粒)粘附到肥大细胞表面受体后,将引发爆炸反应,肥大细胞裂开并且分泌出部分内含物。

    The explosive reactions are activated when an allergen ( such as pollen particles ) binds to receptors on the surface of the mast cell , which then opens and secretes part of its contents .

  17. 通过爆炸合成反应制备出al2O3/ZrO2共晶复合陶瓷,通过XRD分析,可得到纯度很高的al2O3/ZrO2共晶相。

    Al2O3 / ZrO2 composite ceramics prepared by explosion synthesis , through XRD analysis , presented high purity of Al2O3 / ZrO2 eutectic .

  18. 爆炸式反应装甲对长杆体侵彻的干扰作用

    The Model of Long - rod Penetrators Disturbed by ERA

  19. 线形装药强爆炸地震反应谱与地震力计算

    Response spectrum of strong explosion earthquake and earthquake force calculation by linear charge

  20. 探讨了发生爆炸式反应的可能机理。

    The possible mechanism of the explosive reaction was also discussed in the paper .

  21. 那么如何去要成为一个较为温和的爆炸爆燃反应?

    So how do you go about turning a comparatively gentle deflagration reaction into a detonation ?

  22. 而人们批评警方对星期三夜里发生的枪击和手榴弹爆炸案反应迟缓。

    Police were criticized for a slow initial response to the Wednesday night shootings and grenade blasts .

  23. 本文首先对爆炸式反应装甲的基本结构、装药和作用机理进行了探讨。

    This thesis has discussed the function mechanism of explosive reactive armor and the dynamite of reactive armor .

  24. 本方法已经应用到爆炸震动反应谱的计算中,效果较好。

    The procedure has been applied to computation of the response spectra of explosive test and the results are found satisfactory .

  25. 本文介绍了爆炸式反应装甲和串联战斗部的概念和国内外研究现状。

    Design method based on cylindrical hole of perforation concrete for precursory shaped charge of tandem warhead is presented in this paper .

  26. 基于爆炸式反应装甲与射流之间相互作用存在诸多影响因素,采用数值模拟方法探讨了反应装甲对射流的干扰问题。

    Many factors of influence exist when a jet reacts on explosive reactive armor . The whole process of reactive armor disturbing a jet is discussed adopting numerical simulation .

  27. 本文主要研究内容包括以下三个方面:一是对爆炸式反应装甲的基本结构、装药和作用机理进行了探讨。

    The major study context in this paper includes those : ( 1 ) It has discussed basic structure and function mechanism of explosive reactive armor and the dynamite of reactive armor .

  28. 根据爆炸式反应装甲与长杆体相互作用的物理现象,研究了反应装甲干扰长杆体侵彻主装甲的机理,建立了长杆体与爆炸式反应装甲相互作用的理论模型。

    Based on the physical phenomena of interaction between long-rod penetrator and explosive reactive armor ( ERA ), the disturbance mechanism of ERA against long-rod penetrator was investigated . An theoretical model for the interaction was established .

  29. 用SEM、EDS、TEM对L2/16MnR爆炸焊接界面反应区进行了研究。

    The microstructures in the interface reaction zone of explosively welded L2 / 16MnR have been studied by using TEM , SEM and EDS.

  30. 那它们来自何处,这是爆炸的化学反应。

    Where did that come from ? Well , it was the chemical reaction of the explosion .