
  1. 欢迎来到风致燕然的空间图片!

    Welcome to wind-induced Yan Ran 's Pictures of space !

  2. 燕然默默的面对着电脑,心头涌现的只是孤寂,那种发自内心的寂寥,这种感觉哪怕是面对着热闹的人群,或者是静静无语的时候都会突然的感觉出来。

    Yan Ran silently facing the computer , emerging only lonely heart , that the solitude of heart , this feeling even if it is faced with the lively crowd , or is silent when silence would suddenly feel out .

  3. 燕然的心情总是随他而发生变化的,因为太在乎的所以反而更无法忍受那种孤独,总是长久见不到他时,就恨起来恼起来。

    Yan However , the mood is always changing with him , because too much care about it but will not be able to endure the kind of lonely , always see him a long time , they hate them angry up .