
  • 网络illumination uniformity;uniformity of illumination;uniformity of illuminance
  1. 一种照相机成像平面照度均匀度检测系统

    A system for examining the illumination uniformity of camera imaging planes

  2. 对摄像机成像的理论前提和实际过程,进行了详细的介绍。一种照相机成像平面照度均匀度检测系统

    Researches are mainly focused on the following aspects : Firstly , introduce detailedly the theory and real procession of the camera imaging . A system for examining the illumination uniformity of camera imaging planes

  3. 使用光学设计软件对设计结果进行光线追迹,结果表明被照面上的照度均匀度达到了预期效果,设计误差较小。

    The design results are validated by ray tracing in some optical design software . And the results reveal that the illuminance uniformity on the target plane reach the expected goal .

  4. 在圆形光斑情况下,通过正逆向结合的方法,照度均匀度由原来的60%提升到90%多;在矩形光斑情况下,通过逆向反馈优化的方法,照度均匀度提升了一倍。

    Through the combination of two methods , the illuminance uniformity increases from 60 percent to more than 90 percent in the circular circumstance ; Through the reverse feedback method , the illuminance uniformity is doubled for the rectangular .

  5. 针对LED路灯的照度和均匀度进行了实地测量和分析,得出一定的结论,并指出LED路灯在灯具设计上、在照度均匀度的问题上还需改进。

    The illumination and uniformity of the LED street lamps were measured , and the results show that the design of illumination and uniformity of the LED street lamps should be improved .

  6. 从建筑物理学的角度,论述了体育馆比赛厅自然光环境的照度、均匀度、光照不利因素等,并对比赛厅照度分布曲线进行科学的分析,建立了照度分布曲线的理想模式。

    Reviewed the illuminance and homogenous degree of natural light , disadvantage factor of daylight in ways of architectural physics and set up an ideal model of illuminance distribution curve ;

  7. 计算表明,此方法降低了球场照度的不均匀度,提高了篮球场照度的均匀性。

    Calculations show that this method decreases the field 's illumination ununiformity , and increases the uniformity .

  8. 优良的照明质量不但要有合适的照度,还要求有较高的照度均匀度;不但要求光源有较好的显色性和色温,还要达到较低的眩光指数。

    It requests to has high color rendering property , color temperature and needs low glare index .

  9. 通过研究室外景观道路的照度水平,提出了特定灯具型式下道路平均照度的近似计算方法,进而计算出近似的道路纵向照度均匀度;

    By means of studying illuminance level of outdoor landscape road lighting , the paper presents approximate method of calculating road mean illuminance of specified luminaire , further it calculates approximate longitudinal uniformity ratio of illuminance .