
  • 网络coal mine machinery;mining machinery;coal mining machinery
  1. CF钢在煤矿机械和水电工程中的应用现状及开发前景

    Application and Development Trend of CF Steel in Coal Mine Machinery and Hydroelectric Project

  2. 基于OSA-CBM煤矿机械故障诊断系统的设计与研究

    Design and Research of Fault Diagnosis System for Coal Mine Machinery Based on OSA-CBM

  3. 煤矿机械设备用管路接头CAD系统

    A CAD system for pipe fitting applied to mine machinery

  4. 煤矿机械应用ER纳米金属表面调理剂初探

    Application of ER Nano Metal Conditioner in Coal Mining Machinery

  5. 最后文章以张家口煤矿机械有限公司煤为研究对象,根据以上理论开发了智能调度系统软件,本系统采用Access数据库,VISUALBASIC语言,在windows2000的平台下开发。

    Lastly , base on the study on Zhangjiakou colliery machine Co. Ltd. , develop the artificial intelligent scheduling system software on the flat of Windows 2000 . The database is Access and the advanced language is Visual Basic .

  6. 结合张家口煤矿机械有限公司PDM项目的实际实施,给出了通过BOM实现PDM与ERP信息集成的可行方法,对机械制造业具普遍意义。

    Combined matter-of-fact implementation with PDM project of ZhangJiaKou Coal Mining machinery Limited Company , provides a practicable method of integrated of PDM and HRP through BOM . This method has general signification to machinery manufacture business .

  7. 提高煤矿机械维修性的设计途径

    To raise the repairable property of coal machinery in design ways

  8. 专家系统在煤矿机械故障诊断中应用

    Application of expert system in fault diagnosis of coal mine machinery

  9. 煤矿机械的磨料磨损与抗磨材料

    Abrasive wear and anti - abrasion materials of coal mine machinery

  10. 煤矿机械轴承失效分析方法及其预防

    Method and Prevention of Coal Mine Mechanical Bearing Lose Efficacy Analysis

  11. 煤矿机械制造企业质量信息系统的设计开发

    Design of Quality Information System for Coal Mine Machine Manufacturing Business Enterprise

  12. 鸡西煤矿机械厂电镀电源改造的实现

    The implementation of electroplate equipment power transformation in Jixi colliery machine factory

  13. 煤矿机械优化最优点增多问题及对策

    The problem of optimal points increasing and the solving method

  14. 铁谱分析技术及其在煤矿机械磨损状况监测中的应用

    Ferrography and Application in Abrasion Condition Monitoring of Mine Machine

  15. 煤矿机械常用润滑油分析及代用原则

    Analysis and substituted principle of lubricating oil common using in mine machinery

  16. 煤矿机械液压油污染控制及自动清洗式滤液装置

    Contaminative Control of Hydraulic Fluid and Self-acting Cleanout Filter in Mine Machinery

  17. 浅析煤矿机械加工制造行业的设备改造与管理

    Simple Introduction of the Equipments Reforms and Manage of Coal Mine Profession

  18. 煤矿机械磨损失效的危害及对策

    The harm and countermeasures about mine machinery 's wear and lose efficacy

  19. 关于合理定位煤矿机械维修市场的思考

    Think of logical orientation on market running coal mine machinery

  20. 煤矿机械齿轮失效的原因及对策

    The Causes of the Gear Failure of the Coalmine Machinery and Countermeasures

  21. 大型煤矿机械电子监控与故障诊断系统的研制

    Preparatory Manufacture of Large-size Colliery Mechanical Electronic Monitor and Fault Diagnosis System

  22. 煤矿机械大型浮动油封研制与应用

    Development and Application of Large Floating Oil-Seal for Coal Machinery

  23. 基于可持续发展理念的煤矿机械绿色设计

    Green design of mine machinery base on sustainable development conception

  24. 铁谱技术在煤矿机械诊断系统中的构建

    Conformation of Ferrography in Coal Mine Machine Diagnosis System

  25. 因果图理论用于煤矿机械设备故障分析的研究

    Application of Causality Diagram in Fault Analysis of Machine Equipment in Coal Mine

  26. 煤矿机械传动齿轮失效形式分析

    Analysis of Gear Failure in Coal - Mine Machinery

  27. 煤矿机械色彩设计的特点及基本原则

    The characteristics and basic principles in designing the color of the colliery machinery

  28. 煤矿机械维修性的初探

    Preliminary Exploration on the Mechanical Maintainability of Coal Mine

  29. 煤矿机械磨损失效分析方法和抗磨措施

    The Failure Analysis of Abrasion of Coal Mine Machinery and Measures for Anti-abrasion

  30. 大批量定制理论在煤矿机械制造中的应用

    Mass customization theory applied to coal mine machinery manufacturing