
  • 【地】coal mining geology
  1. 基于GIS的煤矿地质测量信息分类编码技术

    Technology of classification and code of coal mine geology and survey information based on GIS

  2. Excel在煤矿地质工作中的应用

    Excel Application in Mining Geological Work

  3. 基于OLE技术的煤矿地质测量网络报表系统的研发

    Study and development on network report of coal mine geology and survey based on OLE technology

  4. 本文分析了煤矿地质测量网络管理系统的框架体系及其相关的关键技术,重点介绍了其中的数据采集、平台设计、专业图形的自动化处理及其3D建模技术。

    This paper analyses the main system structure and key technique of mining survey and geological spatial information system , and mainly emphasizes the data collection , system design , processing technique of professional graph and 3D modelling methodology .

  5. 分析了灵泉露天煤矿地质水文状况,提出了该矿F4断层带煤壁回采方案。

    We have analysed the geological hydrology state of Lingquan open-pit coal mine , and proposed the coal extraction scheme of this mine F4 shear-zone coal wall .

  6. 地理信息系统在煤炭生产中的应用研究&煤矿地质测量信息系统(CMGIS)的开发

    A Study on GIS Application in Coal Mining

  7. 应用地理信息系统理论、技术和方法,针对煤炭生产管理中的地质测量问题,研究开发了煤矿地质测量信息系统(CMGIS)。

    Using the theory 、 technique and method of Geographic Information System ( GIS ), this paper studies the development of Col Mine Geology and Survey Information System ( CMGIS ) in order to solve problems of Coal Mining .

  8. 我国煤矿地质保障系统技术发展现状和前景

    Development progress and prospect of China Mine Geological Safety Guarantee System

  9. 开元煤矿地质环境评价及治理措施研究

    Study on Geological Environment Evaluation and Protection Countermeasure of Kaiyuan Coalmine

  10. 煤矿地质剖面图的计算机矢量化方法探讨

    On the Computer Vectorization Methods for Coal Mine Geological Section Drawings

  11. 煤矿地质灾害的地球物理特征及勘查方法

    Geophysics Characteristic and Prospecting Methods of Geologic Hazard in Coal Mine

  12. 煤矿地质测量网络管理系统

    Mining survey and geological network manage system and key technique

  13. 浅析煤矿地质灾害及其防治

    Analysis on and Prevention of the Geological Hazards of Coalmine

  14. 煤矿地质预测预报工作是保证矿井安全高效生产的基本环节。

    Geological forecasting work is the basic link in coal mine production .

  15. 拓展物探信息应用完善煤矿地质保障系统

    Enhancing application of geophysical information and perfecting coal mine geological safety system

  16. 煤矿地质构造与瓦斯灾害的预测

    Forecast of Geological Structure and Gas Calamity of Coal Mine

  17. 二阶加权模糊评价模型在煤矿地质评价中的应用

    Weighted Two-level Fuzzy Evaluation Model and Its Application in Coalmine Geological Evaluation

  18. 基于开源的煤矿地质信息集成平台研究

    Study of coal mine geological information integration platform based on open source

  19. 测氡法探测煤矿地质构造的研究

    Study on the Detection of Geological Structure in Coal Mine Using Radon-Measuring Method

  20. 南露天煤矿地质信息系统研究

    Research into geological information system of south open pit

  21. 煤矿地质灾害的弹性波探测技术

    Detecting geological hazard in coal mine with elastic waves

  22. 用地震方法探测煤矿地质异常体

    Survey of the Unusual Phenomenon of Geology in Coal Mine by Using Seismic Method

  23. 在此基础上,提出了煤矿地质灾害链和防御措施。

    The chain of geological hazards in coal-mine and prevention measures are put forward .

  24. 娄邵地区煤矿地质灾害

    The geologic hazard of coalmine in loudi-shaoyang area

  25. 祁东煤矿地质构造对煤与瓦斯突出的影响研究

    The Study on the Influence of Geologic Structure on Gas Outburst in Qidong Coal Mine

  26. 煤矿地质测量信息分类编码技术及其应用研究

    Study on Classification and Code of Coal Mine Geology and Survey Information and Its Application Technology

  27. 建井期间,地下水害是煤矿地质灾害的主要类型之一。

    Groundwater hazard is a main kind of geological hazard during the period of mine constructing .

  28. 煤矿地质异常及采动效应雷达探测研究

    Study on the Geological Abnormality and Effect of Coal Mining by Using the Ground Penetrating Radar

  29. 煤矿地质信息系统

    Coal mine geological information system

  30. 断裂构造的定量评价,是煤矿地质工作的一项重要内容。

    The principle and operation method in quantitative evaluation of fracture structure using the fractal theory are expounded .