
méi hàng
  • coal road
煤巷[méi hàng]
  1. 将ZCY-45型全液压侧卸式装岩机应用到煤巷掘进中,通过对其技术特征、使用优点、性能完善的介绍,阐述了ZCY-45型侧卸式装岩机在煤巷掘进中的可行性。

    After introducing its technical features , application advantages and perfect performances , the author illustrates the availability of type ZCY-45 side dumping rock loader in coal road tunneling .

  2. 煤巷掘进施工工艺变革的实践

    The Practices of the Construction Technology Transform of Coal Road Tunneling

  3. JS复合型软岩顶板条件下煤巷锚网支护技术

    Bolt-net supporting technique for a gateway with JS composite roof

  4. 计算了煤巷掘进工作面瓦斯涌出量的Hurst指数,其Hurst指数都小于0.5,表明具有更强的突变性。

    The Hurst exponent of gas emission from the working face is calculated . Its results are less than 0.5 , which are indicated that it has strong chop characteristic of coal and gas outburst .

  5. QC-3化学喷涂密闭技术在煤巷快速密闭中的应用

    Application in the Airtight Technology of Chemical Spraying of QC-3 is Fast and Airtight in the Coal Lane

  6. 本文结合新集刘庄煤矿E2-1305工作面回采巷道掘进,对大断面煤巷综掘锚杆支护快速掘进关键技术问题进行研究。

    The paper , combining the gateway of E2-1305 coal face of Liu zhuang coal mine , has done the research to t fully-mechanized fast driving for large cross section coal roadway .

  7. 南山矿煤巷锚网支护的发展

    Development of coal entry anchor net support at Nanshan Coal Mine

  8. 沿空煤巷锚网与工字钢腿联合支护技术

    Combined Supporting Technology of Bolting and I-bar in Roadway along Gob

  9. 片帮型冲击矿压下的煤巷锚杆支护减冲机理探讨

    Discussion on Weakening Shock Mechanism with Bolt Support in Coal Roadway

  10. 稳定顶板倒梯形煤巷优化设计重载梯形摩擦离合器

    Optimization design about roadway of inverse trapezium cross-section under stable roof

  11. 受采动影响的锚杆支护煤巷变形规律研究

    The Laws of Strata Movement on Bolting Gateway under Dynamic Pressure

  12. 煤巷掘进头存在卸载孔时矿山岩石的应力状态

    Stress state of rock-mass around gateway driving face with stress-releasing hole

  13. 煤巷锚杆支护全线跟踪设计方法

    Design method of bolt support tracking on whole line in Roadway

  14. 煤巷锚杆支护参数的合理选择

    To Rational Select the Parameter of Bolt Support in Coal Roadway

  15. 我国煤巷锚杆支护技术的新发展

    New development of rock bolting technology for coal roadway in China

  16. 大断面煤巷锚杆支护设计的优化

    Optimizing the designing of bolt supporting at heavy section coal drift

  17. 悬臂式煤巷掘进机截齿装设角度的分析

    Analysis on the Installation-Angle of the Cantilever-Style Coal Mine Dibbling Cutting-Gear

  18. 煤巷大断面快速炮掘探讨

    Discussion on the quick digging in coal tunnel big cutting face

  19. 高地应力煤巷掘进梯形支架优化设计

    The Optimal Design on Trapezoidal Support in High Crustal Stress Tunneling

  20. 桃园矿煤巷锚杆支护技术的应用与推广

    Application and Development of Bolting Support Technology in Taoyuan Coal Mine

  21. 预测煤巷突出危险性的连续流量法研究

    Research on Continuous Flow Method of Coal Roadway Outburst Risk Prediction

  22. 浅谈煤巷锚杆支护材料的改进与应用

    Discussion on the Improvement and Application of Bolting Material at Roadway

  23. 高突地区煤巷锚杆支护实践

    Bolting support practice in the roadways of the high-gas burst areas

  24. 煤巷锚杆支护成套技术研究与实践

    Study and application of complete rock bolting technology to coal roadway

  25. 近距离采空区下破碎复合顶板煤巷支护技术

    Coal Roadway Support Technology under Cracked Combined Roof near Gob Area

  26. 卸压支护技术在煤巷支护中的应用

    Application of pressure - relief support technique to coal roadway

  27. 煤巷锚固梁最佳构筑原则的探讨

    Research on the principle of best construction about coal gate bolting girder

  28. 煤巷锚杆支护冒顶事故的类型及预防

    Type and prevention of roof collapse of bolt support in coal tunnel

  29. 淮南矿区煤巷稳定性分类及工程对策

    Stability classification of coal roads in Huainan mining area and Engineering Countermeasures

  30. 近采空区煤巷破碎顶板条件下锚杆支护试验研究

    Bolt support test in roadway near gob with broken roof