
  • 网络chute;orepass
  1. 控制矿石溜井冲击风流的技术措施

    Technical measures for control of impact air flow in orepass

  2. 溜井堵塞处理系统工程

    A project of orepass plug-removing system

  3. 采场内多条高度大于200m放矿溜井,平硐电机车或1132m长距离胶带机输送矿石,降低采场矿石运输距离和成本。

    Several ore chutes longer than 200m were used and level adit mining electric locomotives or 1 132-meter-width long distance belt conveyers were used to convey the ore so as to reduce the ore transportation distance and cost .

  4. 溜井是矿山运输的重要通道。

    A chute is an important passage in transport of mine .

  5. 某矿1~主溜井加固实践

    Reinforcement practice of 1 ~ # main chute in one mine

  6. 露天矿平硐&溜井系统的设计与实践

    The design and practice of tunnel-ore pass system in open pit

  7. 采区高溜井运输方式的研究与运用

    Transportation through high ore pass in stopes & Research and application

  8. 采用橡胶衬板加固主溜井的可行性探讨

    Discussion on the feasibility of main chute reinforcement by rubber lining

  9. 露天矿平洞溜井运输经济评价指标体系

    Economic evaluation index system of DRIFT-OREPASS transportation in open pit mine

  10. 平硐深溜井;露天金矿;应用;

    Adit deep chute ; Open gold mine ; Application ;

  11. 溜井振动安全出矿改造与研究

    Transformation and Research for Safety Vibrating Ore Withdrawal Through Pass

  12. 矿山高溜井多片式挡风板应用研究

    Investigation on Application of Split Windshield in Long Mine Pass

  13. 采场溜井加固工程围岩稳定性数值计算分析

    Numerical Calculation Analysis of the Surrounding Rock Stability of the Reinforcement Engineering

  14. 测量不确定度溜井的冲击气流

    Uncertainty in measurement The impact air flow in ore pass

  15. 紫金山金矿露天采场平硐溜井技术分析

    Technical Analysis of Adit - pass at Zijinshan Open Pit

  16. 严重垮冒主溜井新型加固方法的研究与实践

    New Reinforcement Method for Seriously-collapsed Main Ore-pass & A Study and Practice

  17. 顺路溜井局部出矿留矿法研究

    A study on shrinkage method with partial ore removal by along-way chutes

  18. 利用计算机手段设计实现了振动出矿溜井专家系统。

    The expert system for vibrating ore-drawing shaft is designed using computer .

  19. 溜井系统矿仓加固形式的探讨

    Discussion on lining forms of storage pockets of pass system

  20. 地下金属矿山主溜井变形破坏机理分析

    Analysis of Deformation Destruction Mechanism of Main Pass in Underground Metal Mines

  21. 大断面长溜井高位堵塞疏通处理实践研究

    Practical Research on Dredging the High-level Blockage for a Long Large-section Chute

  22. 采区溜井严重垮冒原因分析及加固方案研究

    Cause Analysis of Serious Collapse of Mine Pass and Investigation on Its Consolidation

  23. 高溜井吊罐法施工技术

    Suspended Bulkhead Raising Techniques for Construction of High Pass

  24. 南方露天矿山溜井堵塞机理分析

    Analysis of Blocking Mechanism of Southern Open Pit Chutes

  25. 导井反井法在溜井施工中的应用反井法施工调压井技术

    Application of the Guide Anti-well Technique in Pass Construction

  26. 盘区脉外溜井破坏原因分析及井筒维护

    Maintenance and Destroy Cause Analysis of the Ore Pass out of the Vein

  27. 低角度斜溜井放矿在陕西银矿的应用

    An application of low angled pass into ore drawing in Shanxi silver mine

  28. 放矿溜井堵塞问题的处理实践及预防

    Orepass block and practices of its treatment and prevention

  29. 武山铜矿主溜井延伸后放矿生产实践

    Production practice of main ore pass in Wushan Copper Mine after its descent

  30. 利用聚能药包爆破法处理溜井堵塞

    Use of cumulative charges blasting to remove pass blocks