
  • 网络Stirling Engine;SE-AIP
  1. 瞬时转速监测法在热气机故障诊断上的应用研究

    Application Research of Fault Diagnosis on Stirling Engine Using Instantaneous Speed Signals

  2. 自由活塞式热气机发电技术在世界上的发展

    The Technology Development of Free Piston Stirling Engine Power System In the World

  3. BP网络在热气机运行性能预测中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network to the Performance Estimating of Stirling Engine

  4. Stirling热气机冷却器的设计与实验研究

    Design and Experimental Study of Chiller for Stirling Engine

  5. 燃气再循环(CGR)技术成功解决了热气机燃烧室的高压燃烧问题。

    The technology of Combustion Gases Recirculation ( CGR ) has successfully solved the problem of high-pressure combustion of Stirling engine .

  6. 热交换系统是斯特林热气机的关键部件。

    The heat exchange system is the key components of machines .

  7. 自由活塞热气机用气体轴承的性能计算与设计

    Performance Calculation and Design of Gas Bearings for Free-Piston Stirling Engine

  8. 热气机海水冷却及废水排放试验参数的测量

    Measurement of Seawater Cooling and Exhaust Water Letting Experiment on Hot-gas Engine

  9. 燃气热气机在国内热电联供领域应用的探讨

    A Discussion about Application of Gas Stirling Engine in CHP

  10. 斯特林机发展动向2105热气机的研究

    Trend of Stifling Engine An Investigation on Stirling Engine of Type 2105

  11. 热气机外燃系统换热计算

    Calculation of Heat Transfer in Combustion System of Stirling Engine

  12. 第九章介绍了热气机样机的实验情况。

    Chapter 9 is the introduction to the test of the SE prototype .

  13. 热气机在垃圾填埋气燃烧发电方面的研究和应用

    Development and Application of Stirling Engine Generation in Use of Landfill Gas Combustion

  14. 太阳能斯特林热气机热交换系统的设计与研究

    Design and Study of the Heat Exchanger System for the Solar Stirling Engine

  15. 菱形传动机构热气机的设计研究

    Research on the Designing of Rhombic Driving Stirling Engine

  16. 基于神经网络的热气机功率预测

    Performance Prediction for Stirling Engine Using Neural Network

  17. 船用烧煤热气机斯特林发动机传热特性的研究

    Coal-Fired Stirling Engines for Marine Propulsion An Investigation on Heat Transfer in Stirling Engines

  18. 热气机中传动机构的研究

    Research on Drive Mechanisms for the Stirling Engine

  19. 热气机研制中若干问题的探讨

    Some Problems in the Development of Hot-Gas Engines

  20. 基于热气机分布式冷热电三联供效益分析

    The Benefit Analysis of Combined Cooling Heating and Power System Based on Stirling Engine

  21. 船用烧煤热气机

    Coal - Fired Stirling Engines for Marine Propulsion

  22. 热气机菱形传动机构的尺度综合及运动仿真菱形递推算法

    Dimensional Synthesis and Simulation of Rhombic Driving Stirling Engines RHOMBUS STRUCTURE FOR RECURSIVE EVALUATION ALGORITHM

  23. 日本制订热气机研制计划

    Stirling Engine Development Project in Japan

  24. 陶瓷热气机的研究

    Study on Ceramic Stirling Engine

  25. 2105热气机的研究大型拖拉机牵引式超低量弥雾机的设计

    An Investigation on Stirling Engine of Type 2105 The Design of Greater Tractor Towing Ultra Small-sized Sprayer

  26. 基于热气机技术的微型热电联供(MCHP)系统发展概述

    A Brief Introduction About the Development of Micro-Combined Heat and Power System Based on Stirling Engine Technology

  27. 热气机是一种新型的、利用外部能源加热的闭式循环活塞式发动机。

    Stirling Engine , using the external energy , is a new kind of closed piston engine .

  28. 加热器是热气机的关键部件之一,其功能是将燃气燃烧的热量通过加热管传给工质。

    Heater , which transfers heat of combustion to work gas , is a key part of Stirling engine .

  29. 基于Pro/Engineer的热气机传动机构参数化设计与装配仿真的实现

    Implementation of the parametric design and simulation assembly for drive system for stirling engine based on Pro / Engineer

  30. 热气机是一种工质在气缸中进行闭式循环的发动机。

    The hot-gas engine is a kind of engine in which the working medium works in the cylinders in closed cycles .