
  • 网络Smoked salmon;smoke salmon
  1. 酸柠檬奶油酱,烟熏三文鱼,新鲜莳萝。

    Lemon-mascarpone cream , smoked salmon , fresh dill .

  2. 许多不同类型的烟熏三文鱼。

    The many different types of smoked salmon .

  3. 我听说如果是烟熏三文鱼的话,事情就变得更复杂了。

    And I hear it gets even more complicated once they 're smoked .

  4. 各类冷冻产品、烟熏三文鱼、冻虾仁、金枪鱼等。

    Kinds of frozen food , smoked salmon fish , frozen shrimps , tuna fish etc.

  5. 龙蒿草烟熏三文鱼薄片,威廉生梨酱,有机西芹苗。

    Tarragon cured salmon carpaccio , lightly smoked , Williams pear puree , organic celery shoots .

  6. 我注意到潘基文选择了和我一样的开胃菜:烟熏三文鱼和鳄梨沙拉。

    I notice Ban has chosen the same starter as me : a smoked salmon and avocado salad .

  7. 在烟熏三文鱼三明治和一盒盒的三文鱼寿司出现在超市货架上之前,三文鱼一度曾是一种昂贵的待客之物,而不是可随意取走的外卖食品。

    Before smoked salmon sandwiches and trays of salmon sushi on supermarket shelves , there was a time when the fish was an expensive treat rather than casual takeaway .

  8. 走进来,取张票,等待叫号的时候,仔细看看店里成排的烟熏三文鱼、白鱼、鱼籽酱、起酥卷、水果、坚果和其他甜品。

    Walk in , grab a ticket and wait for your number to be called while you peruse their array of smoked salmon , white fish , caviars , rugala , fruits , nuts and other sweet treats .

  9. AlaskanBrewingCo.烟熏波特啤酒(SmokedPorter)的创意是该酒坊创始人杰夫·拉森(GeoffLarson)与加工三文鱼的邻居在享用一盘烟熏三文鱼时想出来的,拉森说,这款酒“还没有达到巅峰”。

    Alaskan Brewing Co. 's Smoked Porter -- thought up by brewery founder Geoff Larson over a plate of lox with a salmon-curing neighbor -- ' hasn 't peaked yet , ' said Mr. Larson .