
yān bān
  • Smoke spot;korron
烟斑[yān bān]
  1. 以评价它的实用性。首先通过烟斑清除率的记录,比较两种牙刷的去烟斑效果;

    Firstly , the efficacy of the toothbrush was studied by scored up the plaque removing rate ;

  2. 大豆上烟环斑病毒的塑珠酶联免疫吸附测定

    On the bead ELISA technique for detecting tobacco ring spot virus from soybean plants

  3. 利用调查与相关研究,对贵州烟区南美斑潜蝇的适生性及危险性进行了综合分析。

    The adaptability and danger of Liriomyza huidobrensis Blanchard were comprehensively analyzed in Guizhou flue-cured tobacco growing regions .