
pào tái
  • battery;fort;emplacement;barbette;fortification;fort barbette
炮台 [pào tái]
  • (1) [battery;fort]∶旧时在江海口岸和其他要塞上构筑的永备性火炮阵地

  • (2) [barbette]∶为放置火炮而建筑的炮位或平台

炮台[pào tái]
  1. 德国人躲在可通向所有炮台的壕沟里。

    The Germans are in the trenches with access to the entire battery .

  2. 我游览了美国炮台公园东龙洲炮台〔特别地区〕

    I have visited the Battery . Tung Lung Fort [ special area ]

  3. 沿着马路每500码就有一个炮台。

    There are gun emplacements every five-hundred yards along the road .

  4. Nod的撕裂者炮台也可以攻击,但是如果你保持你的攻击摩托不断移动,你就可以躲避攻击。

    Nod 's Shredder turrets can hurt , but if you keep your Attack Bikes moving , you can dodge the attack .

  5. 你看到了我们的炮台又恢复了对敌攻击。

    And you can see with our Photon Cannons back online .

  6. 珠江口沿岸古炮台研究

    The Research of Old Batteries Along the Coast of Pearl River

  7. 一个小的附带的炮台(通常是加强的)。

    A small enclosed emplacement ( usually of fortified concrete ) .

  8. 防御炮台:防御炮台能让海盗们感到比较安全。

    Protective Cannon : Protective Cannon make pirates feel better defended .

  9. 炮台有营房十五所及大炮八门。

    It consisted of fifteen guardhouses and was armed with eight cannons .

  10. 二次大战期间,炮台曾被日军占据。

    During World War ii , the Japanese army occupied the fort .

  11. 发现与控股层,就像炮台。

    Hierarchies are found with holdings , just like forts .

  12. 我们很快就爬到了第二个炮台。

    My cousins and I arrived at the second barbette very soon .

  13. 就像炮台,整理成兄弟控股。

    Just like forts , holdings are organized into brotherhoods .

  14. 冰霜炮台的冰霜新星的基础伤害显著降低。

    Ice Turret 's Ice Nova spell now does considerably less base damage .

  15. 那炮台一时被敌人所占据。

    The enemy is in possession of the fortress .

  16. 用这种三合土夯起来的炮台十分坚固。

    Batteries built with this kind of compact Trinity earth were very solid .

  17. 我们的所在地是由炮台和居所构成的殖民地。

    We gather that there was a settlement consisting of fortifications and dwellings .

  18. 林则徐销烟池与虎门炮台旧址

    Sites of the Pool of Lin Zexu Destroying Opium and the Humen Batteries

  19. 那炮台的主权为敌人所有。

    The fortress is in possession of the enemy .

  20. 一方面,有这些炮台将对资源。

    On one hand , the fort will pay to have these resources .

  21. 于是他们涌向炮台公园搭乘前往自由岛的渡轮。

    They flocked to Battery Park to catch the ferry to Liberty Island .

  22. 第二次鸦片战争期间,所有炮台再次为侵略者所破。

    The second opium war , all for the invaders have broken again fort .

  23. 我只好到各处炮台和村庄全部呈现。

    I have got to go round all the forts and villages showing them .

  24. 那些船与炮台处于同一水平位置。

    The ships were abreast of the fort .

  25. 汕头崎碌炮台&中国近代一个重要的军事建筑

    Qilu battery in shantou & an important military building in modern times of China

  26. 大屿山东涌小炮台

    " Tung Chung battery , Lantau island "

  27. 第四天我们参观了胡里山炮台。

    We visited Hulishan Fortress the fourth day .

  28. 也就是小炮台了。

    So it was a small battery .

  29. 大连湾炮台,让我们回到历史,回望过去;

    Dalian Bay Battery makes one 's thoughts enter into the past and into the history ;

  30. 其实,这糯米只是修建炮台的原料之一。

    In fact , glutinous rice was only one of the materials used to build batteries .