
pào huī
  • cannon fodder
炮灰 [pào huī]
  • [cannon fodder] 比喻被强迫参加非正义战争去送命的士兵

炮灰[pào huī]
  1. 应征入伍者被当做炮灰。

    The conscripts were treated as cannon fodder

  2. 战争贩子们视士兵为炮灰。

    In the eyes of warmongers , soldiers are nothing but cannon fodder .

  3. 它的人民充当了同邻国交战时的炮灰。

    Its people are cannon fodder in wars with bordering states .

  4. 派你来本来只有一个目的,就是让你来当炮灰送命。

    They just send you out to get your ass blown off .

  5. 穷人们很清楚自己在选举中不过是炮灰而已。

    The poor well understand they are election fodder .

  6. 在那场必定要失败的进攻中,步兵成了炮灰。

    The infantry were cannon-fodder in the attack that was bound to fail .

  7. 他们强迫你们去操练,限制你们地伙食&把你们当牲口看待,把你们推上疆场充任炮灰。

    Who drill you-diet you-treat you like cattle , use you as cannon fodder .

  8. 如果可能的话,用炮灰单位,比如粉碎者,蜂群来打。

    If at all possible , use fodder units like disintegrators and buzzers while fighting .

  9. 当你有炮灰支援的时候才使用高斯炮。

    Use only with own cannon fodder .

  10. 对付炮灰部队几乎是无用的。

    Nearly useless against cannon fodder !

  11. 又一个仰慕你的无名无姓的炮灰男友吗

    Just another one of the nameless , faceless revolving door of boyfriends who adore you ?

  12. 他们训练你们,供养你们,像牲口似的对待你们,把你们视如炮灰。

    Who drill you , diet you , treat you like cattle , use you as cannon fodder .

  13. 那个大国已迫使这个小国就范:后者得向前者提供炮灰。

    That big country has brought this small country to termsthat the latter has to supply the former with cannon-fodder .

  14. 这支队伍参赛时无意充当炮灰,他们志在必得。

    The team had no intention of being cannon fodder when they played the champions , and were determined to win .

  15. 人民,这如此热爱炮手的炮灰,却还睁着眼睛在寻找他。

    The populace , however , that food for cannon which is so fond of the cannoneer , sought him with its glance .

  16. 这是个非常好的涵盖了强火力,抵抗力和炮灰的组合。

    But if you really want the job , there are ways of countering the perception that you 're too good for it .

  17. 嗜碱性细胞长久以来被当作炮灰而遭到忽略,而如今,如同一名免疫学家所讲,迎来了它的复兴。

    Long dismissed as " cannon fodder ," as one immunologist puts it , the white blood cells known as basophils have been enjoying a renaissance .

  18. 他们装备长矛和盾牌,无论训练和盔甲都十分低劣,通常用于防御阵地充当炮灰。

    Given a long spear and shield , but little training or armour , they are only of use in defensive roles or as cannon fodder .

  19. 你们的伯、叔、父、兄被迫入伍,充当炮灰去攻打伊朗、侵占科威特。

    Your Primary , Uncle , father , elder brother was forced to enlist , to serve as cannon fodder to attack Iran , the invasion and occupation of Kuwait .

  20. 而索马里情况更糟,激进的伊斯兰组织招募仅10岁大的孩子作为抵抗政府力量的炮灰。

    The problem might be worst in Somalia , where militant Islamist groups have taken to recruiting children as young as 10 to use as cannon fodder in their fight against government forces .

  21. 兵营:建造火箭兵和机枪兵,按照你喜欢的比例建造。我喜欢三个机枪兵搭配六个火箭兵的比例,但是我通常不大用步兵,他们大多是作炮灰。

    Barracks : build Rocketmen and riflemen , to a ratio that you like . I prefer three riflemen to six Rocketmen ratios , but I generally don 't use much infantry , mostly as cannon fodder .

  22. 艾伦和他的朋友们都意识到,战争很可能就要爆发了,现在的当务之急,是要想些明智的办法来担任一些靠谱的职务,以免到时候被拉到前线,作为炮灰去冲锋。

    Alan and his friends could see that war was likely , despite all the hopes of 1933 , and found it important to see that they were used in some sensible way , rather than in leading cannon-fodder over the top .

  23. 士兵们,不要替那些畜生们卖命,他们鄙视你们,奴役你们,操纵你们的生命,告诉你们该做什么,想什么,感觉什么,他们把你们当牛一样训练为的只是拿你们去当炮灰。

    Soldiers ! Dont give yourselves to brutes , men who despise you , enslave you , who regiment your lives , tell you what to do , what to think and what to feel , who drill you , treat you like cattle and use you as cannon fodder .