
lú chèn
  • lining;furnace liner;brasque;daubing
炉衬[lú chèn]
  1. 高镁白云石质LD转炉炉衬侵蚀速度的研究

    Study on the erosion rate of high magnesia dolomite LD lining

  2. RH真空炉衬用无铬耐火材料抗渣性能的研究

    Research of slag corrosion resistance of chrome free refractories for RH vessel lining

  3. 铜转炉炉衬结构优化与耐火材料砖型设计CAD方法研究

    Study of Optimization Design and CAD System for the Lining Design of the P-S Converter

  4. 在热膨胀作用下BOF炉帽椭圆变形对炉衬应力的影响

    Stress of liner affected by oval distribution of BOF hood due to thermal expension

  5. 坩埚炉衬材料对TiCP/Fe复合材料组织及性能的影响

    The Effect of Furnace Liner Materials of Pot Furnace on Microstructure and Properties of Composite Enhanced by TiC_P / Fe

  6. 60tLF的炉衬设计和操作实践

    Lining Design and Operation Practice of A 60t LF

  7. COREX熔融气化炉炉衬结构的选择

    An Option for the Liner Structure of COREX Melting Gasifier

  8. RTX3全纤维炉衬熔铜电阻炉的设计及应用

    Design and Application of RTX_3 Resistance Furnace Lined Fiber for Melting Copper

  9. 提高20t电弧炉炉衬寿命工艺实践

    Process Practice of Enhancing Lining Service Life of 20t EAF

  10. 二是酸性炉衬中的SiO2被合金中的某些元素还原出来进入合金。

    Reduction of silicon oxide in the acid lining into silicon by some alloy elements and melting into the alloys during the melting process .

  11. 而直接返回高炉炼铁,Zn在高炉内循环富集则会缩短炉衬寿命、堵塞煤气管道。

    During directly recycling the EAF dusts for the blast furnace ( BF ), the zinc enriched in the BF would shorten the lining life , and block the gas pipeline of BF .

  12. CAD方法的应用将优化耐火材料炉衬结构,提高炉衬设计的合理性、准确性和高效性,对提高转炉的使用寿命意义重大。

    The application of CAD system will improve the lining structure of refractories and the reasonableness and accuracy and speed of lining designed , and have great significance to extend the use of refractory in P-S converter .

  13. 实践证明加入FeO矿可提高Cr元素回收率,降低能源消耗,但需注意炉衬侵蚀问题。

    The practice show that smelting extra-low carbon ferrochrome with iron oxide ore can increase chrome recovery and decrease power consumption , but lining erosion should be avoided .

  14. 冶炼不锈钢30tEBT电弧炉炉衬寿命的提高

    Increasing of Lining Service Life of a 30 t EBT Arc Furnace for Stainless Steel Melting

  15. 结果表明:AOD炉衬镁钙砖的蚀损主要是由硅酸盐液相的溶解和渗透引起的;

    Results show that : the corrosion of MgO-CaO brick is mainly owing to the solution and infiltration of silicate liquid phase .

  16. 浅议QSL反应器耐火炉衬的优化配置

    On Optimized Arrangement of Refractory Liner for QSL Reactor

  17. 通过对炉衬粘渣的形成和成分分析表明,渣中Al2O3粘附于炉衬是形成粘渣的主要原因,对此,提出了控制、减缓炉衬粘渣的措施。

    Analysis on the formation and composition of the sticking slag shows that it is caused mainly by Al 2O 3 in slag . The measures for controlling and releasing it are presented .

  18. 钢液发热剂Si-Ca-Ba对熔渣性能和炉衬侵蚀的影响

    Effect of Si-Ca-Ba Heating Agent for Liquid Steel on Slag Properties and Erosion of Furnace Lining

  19. 熔炼Al-Li合金用6t无芯工频感应炉炉衬寿命的探讨延长工频感应熔化炉炉龄的实际操作方法

    Discussing on Lining Durability of 6t Coreless Power Frequency Induction Furnace for Al-Li Alloys Melting Practical Method for Prolonging the Life of Frequency-induction Furnace

  20. 采用电容法、火焰图像处理以及激光测厚3种不同的方法分别检测炼钢转炉炉衬的侵蚀状况,然后用BP神经网络对这3种方法测得的结果进行数据融合。

    Three different methods which are capacitance method , flame image processing and laser ranging are used to detect the erosion condition of steel-making converter 's lining , then their result are processed using the data fusion technology based on BP neural network .

  21. 炉渣碱度、泡沫渣高度、吹氧角度、补炉方式等是影响20t电弧炉炉衬寿命的主要因素。

    Slag basicity , foamed slag height , angle of blowing oxygen and reline mode are the main factors influencing lining service life of 20t EAF .

  22. 用于熔炼灰铸铁及球墨铸铁的TX-6型炉衬料效果分析

    Application Analyses of the TX-6 Furnace Lining Smelting Grey Iron and Nodular Cast Iron

  23. 对氧化钙质炉衬而言,欲避免炉衬向钢液供氧,合理的真空度应控制在10~50Pa。

    For calcia lining , the reasonable vacuum is from 10 Pa to 50 Pa.

  24. MZ-95镁砖炉衬在微碳铬铁电炉上的使用及炉衬侵蚀分析

    The use of MZ-95 magnesia brick to low-carbon ferrochromium electric furnace and analysis of furnace lining erosion

  25. 介绍HYJ-01加热炉炉衬喷补料的实验室研制及其工业应用。

    The development and application of gunning refractory HYJ-01 for heating furnace is described in the paper .

  26. 介绍TBM顶底复吹技术特征,在梅山炼钢厂应用时,以及运用该技术对冶炼中磷铁水操作、钢铁料消耗及炉衬的影响,通过使用TBM技术有效的改善了梅山的脱磷。

    In this paper , the characteristics of TBM combined blowing technology in steelmaking plant of Meis-han has been introduced . And the influence of operation in medium phosphorous hot metal , metal charge consumption , converter lining after using this technology .

  27. 利用非稳态热传导反问题(IHCP)数学模型研究了高炉监测热电偶数据与高炉炉衬侵蚀厚度的关系。

    The unsteady state inverse heat conduction model is used to study mathematical relation between the monitoring thermocouple data of blast furnace and the erosion thickness of blast furnace lining .

  28. 叙述了AOD精炼技术-脱碳、脱硫、以N2代Ar和顶枪技术的发展;讨论了AOD精炼的供气形式的完善和炉衬寿命等技术问题。

    The development of AOD refining technology such as decarburization , desulphurization , replacing Ar with N2 and top lance technology is presented and the technical issues including to perfect gas supply model for AOD refining and service life of furnace lining are discussed in this article .

  29. 天津钢管公司炼钢厂150t超高功率电炉用国产优质镁炭砖后,平均寿命达220炉,炉衬工作层单耗为1.36kg/t。

    A home-made high quality MgO - C brick in 150t UHP EAF in Tianjin Steel Pipe Company has achieved an average life of 220 heats and the working lining consumption of 1 . 36kg / t steel .

  30. Al2O3-SiC-C砖更适合作提钒转炉炉衬。

    And according to the feature of vanadium recovering converter slag , the Al 2O 3-SiC-C brick is more suitable for the furnace lining than the MgO-C brick .