
lú zi rè xiào lǜ
  • furnace thermal efficiency
  1. 比较了该炉改造前后的操作,改造后炉子热效率提高4%。

    After renovated , the heat efficiency of the furnace has been increased by 4 % .

  2. 然而,要进一步提高炉子热效率还需不断改进。

    In order to raise the thermal efficiency of the furnace some uninterrupted improvements are needed .

  3. 工业炉窑烟气余热回收利用,是提高炉子热效率、节约炉用燃料的极为有效的途径。

    Recycle and utilization of waste heat in exhaust fume of industrial furnaces is the efficient way enhancing furnace heat efficiency and saving fuel used by furnace .

  4. 受高温真空加热工艺的制约,传统金属镁还原炉内的流动和温度分布极不均匀,排烟温度很高,炉子热效率低。

    The flow and temperature distributing is very asymmetry in the conventional magnesium reduction furnace , and its high temperature of waste gas causes incredibly low energy efficiency .

  5. 本文的稳态研究表明,提高炉围发射率,炉子热效率略有下降,但对待轧的模拟可能出现相反的情况。(4)建立了区域法数学模型。

    The results show that thermal efficiency will decrease when wall emissivity increases in steady state , but it may be different in delay rolling . ( 4 ) Conventional zone method mathematical models were developed in reheating furnace .

  6. 在炉型结构的设计中利用了空气动力学分区原理,实现了燃料在炉膛内分层燃烧,并且达到了快速加热,提高了炉子热效率的目的。

    In that furnace designing the zoning principle of aero-dynamics are applied , so that the burning in furnace chamber is layer by layer , the aims of rapid heating as well as the improvement of heat efficiency are being achieved .

  7. 贫化电炉熔池内炉渣运动对炉子的热效率、有价金属的回收及使用寿命有重要影响。

    The flowing of slag in molten bath of an electric cleaning furnace has important effects on heat efficiency , the recovery of valuable metals and the life of a furnace .

  8. 采用这些技术后,提高了炉子的自动化程度、炉子热效率和热处理水平。

    After making use of these new tech-nics , the automation level , thermal efficiency and heat treatment level of furnace are raised .

  9. 其设计指导思想是,最大程度地回收炉子的烟气余热,提高炉子热效率。

    Its design concept is to recuperate flue gas and increase heat efficiency of furnace at a maximum extent .