
  1. 他们正在经历不寻常的天气,风暴,火山和地震活动。

    They are experiencing unusual weather , storms , volcanism , and seismic activity .

  2. 火山和地震是大自然能够产生的最恐怖的事件的一部分。

    Volcanoes and earthquakes are among the most frightening events that nature can produce .

  3. 重力数据对于监测海洋循环和海平面变化,以及与火山和地震活动相关的过程是必不可少的。

    Gravity data is essential for monitoring ocean circulation and sea-level change , as well as processes linked to volcanic and earthquake activity .

  4. 另外,相对于西海岸,东海岸火山和地震因素相对稳定,更加安全。

    And also compared to the west coast , the east coast is much less volcanically and seismically active . So it 's safer for that too .

  5. 要预期机械故障、火灾、爆炸、火山爆发和地震。

    Expect mechanical failures , fires , explosions , volcanoes , and earthquakes .

  6. 沿着这条线上的地壳中大断层或脆弱带火山活动和地震一向很频繁。

    Volcanoes and earthquakes have been frequent along a great fault or weakness in the crust along this line .

  7. 象火山爆发和地震一样,间歇喷泉和温泉等都是隐匿于地表之下巨大能量的释放窗口。

    Like volcanoes and earthquakes , geysers and hot springs open windows onto the potent forces hidden beneath the skin of the planet .

  8. 印度尼西亚位于环太平洋火山带上,该地区的火山和地震活动非常频繁。

    Indonesia sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire , an area prone to seismic shifts that spark earthquakes and volcanic activity .

  9. 培雷火山(法语名MontagnePelee,意为秃头山)坐落在名为马提尼克的小岛上。马提尼克岛是加勒比海小安地列斯群岛的岛弧:这一带因其频繁的火山和地震活动而闻名。

    Mount Pelee ( Montagne Pelee in French , which translates to Bald Mountain ) stands on the small island of Martinique , which is in the island arc of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean : an area known for frequent volcanic and seismic activity .