
  • 网络Tourism;Activity;tourism activity
  1. 本研究以植被影响指数(IVI)来衡量旅游活动对植被的影响。

    The impacting degree of tourism activities on vegetation was confirmed by Impact Vegetation Index ( IVI ) .

  2. 在现代旅游活动中,旅游安全问题日益突出。

    In modern tourism activities , tourist security is getting prominent .

  3. 全球自然学校(WholeEarthNatureSchool)是一家经营富士山生态旅游活动的机构,主管田中启介(KeisukeTanaka)认为,捐款将应用于改善山道和如厕条件,并增添垃圾处理设施和多语言标识。

    Keisuke Tanaka , head of the Whole Earth Nature School , which runs eco tours of the mountain , said that the donations should be used to improve trails and toilets and add waste treatment facilities and multilingual signs .

  4. 旅游活动中的游客保健问题及其应对

    The Health Care of Visitor with its Treatment in Tour Activity

  5. 广西-东盟国际旅游活动呈上升发展趋势。

    The Guangxi-ASEAN international tourism activity presents an uprising development trend .

  6. 旅游活动对植被的影响研究综述

    A review of the effects of tourists ' activities on vegetation

  7. 旅游活动中文化的真实性与表演性研究

    A Study in Authenticity and Performance of Cultures in Tourism Activities

  8. 对旅游活动有显著影响的有:大风、暴雨。

    The most significant impacts are strong winds and rainstorm .

  9. 现代交通工具的发明是旅游活动得以产生和发展的先决条件。

    The invention of modern transportation is the prerequisite of tourism industry .

  10. 什么是确切的日期,有些旅游活动,在布鲁塞尔?

    What are the exact dates for some tourist events in Brussels ?

  11. 旅游活动全过程中的环境教育策略研究

    Study of Environmental Education Strategy in the Entire Process of Tourism Activities

  12. 引导人们积极参与旅游活动。

    Let people participate in the tourist activity actively .

  13. 旅游活动是旅游主客体之间的互动过程。

    Tourism activities are the process of interaction between tourism subject and object .

  14. 萨满文化在吉林省现代旅游活动中的传承与发展

    The Shaman Culture and Development in Jilin Province Modern Tourism Activity 's Inheritance

  15. 导游必须负责安排和协调旅游活动。

    A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities .

  16. 旅游活动从本质上讲是一种审美活动。

    Tourism is essentially a kind of aesthetic activities .

  17. 这些,在其内心深处埋下了休闲(包括旅游活动)的种子。

    All of these have buried the seed of entertainment ( including touring ) .

  18. 宋代节庆旅游活动初探

    On the Festival Culture Tourism of Song Dynasty

  19. 试论旅游活动中的人际传播

    On the Interpersonal - communication in Traveling Activities

  20. 论参与性旅游活动的模式和特点

    On the Model and Character of Participation Tourism

  21. 每周组织两次旅游活动。

    These activities are organized twice a week .

  22. 嵩山景区旅游活动对土壤组成和性质的影响

    Impacts of tourist activities on soil components and properties in the Songshan Scenic Area

  23. 与此同时,摄影已经成为旅游活动的重要组成部分。

    At the same time , photography has become an important part of tourism activities .

  24. 将宣传北京奥运旅游活动列入驻外机构工作范围。

    The promotion of Olympics-related travel packages shall be made part of our representative offices .

  25. 两位外长保证要在他们有争议的边境开展贸易和旅游活动。

    The officials promised to initiate new trade and travel contacts across their disputed border .

  26. 旅游活动的异地性决定了旅游手续办理是国际游客不可避免的。

    Because of the allopatry of tourism activities , the tourism procedures can 't be avoided .

  27. 水景景点的水质受旅游活动的影响较其他监测点的大。

    The water quality inside the beauty spot was affected heavier than the other monitoring sites .

  28. 然后,根据土壤影响程度评价模型,对各景点受旅游活动影响程度进行评估。

    An evaluation model was also made to classify the degree of the impaction on the soil .

  29. 不少学者就旅游活动对旅游环境的影响效应以及影响机制已做了大量研究。

    Many people do a lot of research on the effect between traveling activities and ecological environment .

  30. 旅游活动对总磷和氨氮2种指标产生了显著影响。

    There was a significant effect , caused by tourism activities , produced in NH3-N 、 TP .