- endangered species;CITES;Threatened Species

The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction .
The sea turtle is an endangered species .
Pandas are an endangered species
And it worked , today , federal agencies are pulling the island fox from the Endangered Species List .
" We 're obligated to keep a pulse on the population for at least five years after the foxes are delisted , " says Boser .
It 's the fastest-ever recovery of a mammal , joining peers like the Louisiana black bear as glowing successes in the history of the Endangered Species Act .
It feels unreal . It feels like we 're some form of endangered species .
The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalyst , but the big food companies — which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking — made the home cook an endangered species .
Forest elephants are now even closer to extinction2 – critically endangered .
Both are endangered , though the blue whale 's starting to make a comeback in Antarctic waters .
And only about 50 species have been evaluated for the extinction4 Red List compared with thousands of plants and animals .
The scientists are pressing the International Union for Conservation of Nature to lift Emperors higher up on its list of Earth 's endangered species .
This latest Red List of Threatened Species – considered to be the comprehensive report on how nature is faring on an increasingly crowded planet – puts Africa 's savanna1 elephants into the endangered category .
The second was the designation of all chimps as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act in June .
With the development of the analytic method of faecal DNA , DNA method of study of the genetic structure of endangered species of wildlife will be extensively used .
In March , the park welcomed a herd of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep back to its Cathedral Range after the conclusion of a multiyear project to repopulate the endangered species .
China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals ( RDB , 1998 ) embodied 11 species .
Polymorphic marker technique of DNA molecular is a polymorphic examination technique of DNA in molecular level , it was used extensively in the studies on biological polymorphism , genetic polymorphism , examination and protection of nearly extinct species .
In practice , this means including the conservation priorities of indigenous communities when compiling species lists such as those of IUCN and CITES .
The findings coincide with a meeting on endangered species in Doha , from where Stephanie Hancock reports .
Chinese sturgeon is included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 1996 , and is also under the category I in state protection species list of China .
Giant panda , Ailuropoda melanoleuca , is a well-known endangered animal , which is distributed only in China .
Now when the Treasure sank in 2000 , it was the height of the best breeding season scientists had ever recorded for the African penguin , which at the time , was listed as a threatened species .
While these fish can be found in temperate waters around the world , including the Mediterranean Sea , heavy over harvesting has led protective agencies to place them on a list of endangered species .
Chinese officials were in New Delhi last week to discuss the move before the meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( Cites ) at The Hague from June 3-15 .
Tiger ( Panthera tigris ) is one of the most concerned endangered species , so ex situ conservation is the universal strategy for tiger protection .
Davidson and several other animal conservationists developed a model to predict the extinction rates of endangered mammals identified by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature , or IUCN .
The giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), distributed only in China and called " living fossil ", has been a flagship of endangered and rare species in the world .
Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants . All wild orchid species are included in the Appendix ⅱ of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITES ), and regarded as a flagship group in plant conservation .
The Chinese crocodile lizard ( Shinisaurus crocodilurus ) is one of the critically endangered species in the world , and has been listed on Appendix ⅱ of CITES .