
  • 网络Performance capability;contractual capacity;performance ability
  1. 能提高企业的履约能力;

    It can improve the corporation 's fulfilling capability ;

  2. 而资信评估就是专业的机构采用公正、科学、权威的资信考核标准,对市场参与主体的各方面进行综合评价和分析,测定其履约能力和可信任程度。

    While credit rating means evaluating credit for market participants in all respects according to specified criteria .

  3. 2考察行为人客观上有无实际履约能力或担保;

    To Inspect if or not the behavior party has real ability or the guaranty in keeping a promise ;

  4. 它还后天领事风险管理公司,代尔夫特,荷兰,坚定而充满在履约能力,在其投资组合。

    It also acquired Consul Risk Management Inc. , a Delft , Netherlands , firm which filled in compliance capabilities in its portfolio .

  5. 商事信用是商事伦理制度下的产物,是对商事主体履约能力的一种社会评价。

    Commercial credit , result of the commercial ethics system , is a social evaluation of a commercial party 's ability of performing contracts .

  6. 产权是信誉主体确立的基础,原因在于第一,置信的承诺显然与主体履约能力的大小密切相关;

    Property rights is the basis of reputation body for the reasons to follow . ( 1 ) A credible promise apparently bears close connection with the ability to practice it .

  7. 在分析了无船承运人基本特征的基础上,就无船承运人的识别、无船承运人海事赔偿责任的限制、无船承运人的货物留置权、无船承运人履约能力保证等问题进行了探讨。

    By analyzing the basic characteristics of non-vessel-operating carrier , the paper confers its identification and its limitation of liability for maritime claims and its lien on cargo and so on .

  8. 但是,在履约能力建设、履约资金和技术、发挥地方政府和企业对遵约的积极主动等方面还需要进一步加以关注。

    But China should pay more attention on such issues as capacity-building of fulfilling agreements , fund and technology , encouraging local government and enterprises to compliance international environmental treaties actively .

  9. 如何变压力为动力,切实提高我国的履约能力,完成我国应当承担的国际义务,成为我国履约工作的关键所在。

    How to turn pressure into motivation , and effectively improve our performance capabilities , the completion of the international obligations of our country should become the key to our performance work .

  10. 近年来,人们对于信用风险的认识不断深入,信用风险被更广泛看作是由于企业交易对方在履约能力上的变化而导致企业资产的经济价值遭受损失的可能性。

    Presently , the credit risk has been defined as the possibility that the other party default and the risk of economic losing when the paying ability of the other party changing .

  11. 它由民事主体的经济实力、经济效益、履约能力和商业信誉等要素决定,并具有专属性、时间性、非财产性、客观性、差异性和绝对性。

    Credit standing and respectability depends on the civil subject s economic strength , the ability to fulfil contracts and creditworthy in doing business and is characteristic of exclusivity , objectivity , diversity and absoluteness .

  12. 合同诈骗罪犯罪目的的认定,应从欺诈的行为、实际的履约能力和履约行为、正确看待逃匿行为及目的产生的时间方面考察。

    Contract fraud criminal purpose of crime , from acts of fraud , the actual performance capabilities and the performance that a correct view of the time go into hiding behavior and purpose of the inspection .

  13. 因此,认识现场合同管理的重要性,科学、严密地进行合同管理,对提高企业的履约能力.真正实现合同目的具有重要意义。

    It 's of far importance for enhancing enterprise 's capability of performing contract and realizing indeed the purpose of contract to be aware of the essentiality of contract control and scientifically , strictly manage contract .

  14. 假设检验的结果支持了履约能力,愉悦体验、情感归属,品牌声誉,正面联想五个变量的前因作用,其他三个变量的作用未得到支持。

    The hypotheses tests support that the five variables , performance capabilities , enjoyable experience , belonging feelings , brand reputation and positive association have positive influence on " trust " . But other three variables hypotheses are not accepted through the test .

  15. 文章介绍了我省十一五高速公路建设规划和监理市场的现状,对监理市场的需求进行了预测分析,并就如何增强履约能力,提升监理服务品质进行了阐述。

    The paper introduces the freeway building planning during the Eleven-Year Plan and the current situations of supervision markets in our country , makes predictive analysis of demands for the markets , expounds how to strength pledge fulfilling ability and improve service quality of supervision as well .

  16. 公司股价不久就会下跌,顾客不会愿意购买这些彩票,他们怀疑这家公司履约的能力。

    The share price would soon fall and customers would become reluctant to buy these tickets , doubting the company 's ability to honour its commitments .

  17. 给付能否实现取决于当事人的履约意愿和履约能力。

    The fulfillment of performance depends on the intent and the ability of performance of the parties .

  18. 在总承包制下,项目分包是总承包企业为了合同履约、提高施工能力、迅速占领市场的有效途径,因此总承包企业对分包商的风险管理显得尤为重要。

    In the general contracting , subcontracting is the general contracting enterprises in order to contract , improving the construction capacity , the rapid occupation of the market effectively , so the general contractor subcontractor risk management appears especially important .

  19. 该体系更注重对企业家素质等定性指标的分析与考量,弱化财务数据的定量分析,同时增加了对现金流量、履约情况、创新能力、发展能力、企业规模等指标的考量。

    The system pays more attention to analyse and considerate the quality qualitative , weakens the quantitative analysis of financial data , and increases the cash flow evaluation , performance evaluation , innovation ability evaluation , development ability evaluation and enterprise scale index evaluation .

  20. 另一方面是创业企业是否有能力履约,这从一定程度上影响着主体的履约意愿,履约能力可以从获利的前景等方面考察。

    Another is whether the venture has the ability to honor an agreement . The ability will influence the will of the subject on a certain degree . It can be investigated from the respects such as lucrative prospect , etc.