
  • 网络Laser;Laser Beauty;LASER Cosmetic;HM-LT
  1. 结果:互联网上存在着大量激光美容资源,可通过网络数据库、搜索引擎、专利检索和专业网站获取激光美容论文、图书、网页、专利文献和专业网站。

    Results There are large amount of laser aesthetic resources existing in the internet , papers , books , web pages , patent literatures and field sites about laser aesthetic can be obtained via Web databases , search engines , patent search , and field sites .

  2. 计算机扫描CO2激光美容术初探

    Computer scanned carbon dioxide laser in cosmetic surgery

  3. 材料与方法:我们激光美容治疗中心,自2004年10月以来应用Polaris北极星E光去皱系统,开展金黄地鼠皮肤E光嫩肤除皱实验,在此基础上进行临床E光嫩肤除皱32例。

    Materials and methods : Since October , 2004 at our therapeutic laser centre , 32 cases of skin rejuvenation have been performed beyond experimental study on golden hamster .

  4. 激光美容治疗皮肤病469例疗效观察

    The clinical observation of 469 cases of skin disease treated by laser

  5. 激光美容仪温度探测报警系统研究

    Research on temperature detect warming system of laser cosmetology instrument

  6. 激光美容的发展历程及其哲学启示

    The Enlightenments on the Development of the Laser Cosmetic Medicine in Philosophy

  7. 激光美容治疗仪的性能及临床应用

    The Laser Beauty and Cure Instrument and Its Clinical Practice

  8. 激光美容资源的网络获取途径与技巧

    Approach and skills for internet searching laser aesthetic resources

  9. 曾次多次参加全国各种皮肤激光美容培训学习。

    Participated in many national training and study a variety of cosmetic laser skin .

  10. 什么是激光美容术并发症?

    What is laser cosmetic surgery complications ?

  11. 双波长激光美容机的优化设计

    Optimal-design of Two Wavelength Laser Therapy System

  12. 目的:探讨目前国内外激光美容资源网络获取的途径与技巧。

    Objective To probe into the approach and skills for network searching laser aesthetic resources at the present .

  13. 精通蓝光祛痘、彩光嫩肤术、激光美容、射频拉皮除皱。

    Proficient in the Blu-ray remove pox , IPL rejuvenation of skin , Laser Cosmetic , RF lift wrinkles .

  14. 激光美容术是利用激光的热效应对病损进行凝固、炭化或汽化。

    Laser cosmetic surgery is the use of laser thermal effect of the lesion to solidification , charring , or vaporization .

  15. 在激光美容中,研究黄种人的活体皮肤组织的光吸收作用及其检测平台对基础研究和临床应用具有重要意义。

    In laser cosmetology , light absorption research of yellow races vivi-skin and establishment of detecting platform are of great importance to fundamental research and clinical treatment .

  16. 研制出的针对皮肤色素形变的激光美容机应用于临床试验,相比红宝石激光和紫翠玉激光能够更好的治疗治疗皮肤色素性变。

    The developed cosmetic laser for skin pigment applied to clinical trials , compared to the ruby laser and the alexandrite laser treatments to better treatment of skin pigment changes .

  17. 结论:YQ400A/B-I型激光美容仪结合手术切除祛除文身的疗效肯定,互补了单纯激光或手术在治疗中的不足,是一种很好的祛除文身的治疗方法。

    Conclusion : Combination of YQ400A / B-I Laser and surgery has compensated the inadequacy of both measures used alone , and it has been proved to be an effective way to treat tattoos .

  18. 从激光美容的发展过程,认识到学科交叉产生创新,科学理论对实践具有良好的指导和推动作用,科学的进步离不开科学思维的创造力。

    Through the development of it , we can see that the cross of different subjects develops new ones , also correct theory has positive impact on practice and we can not make progress in science without the creative ability of thinking .

  19. 结果:通过临床反馈和比较分析,半导体激光器在针灸理疗、牙病治疗、激光美容、激光手术等方面治疗效果明显优于其他类型的激光器。

    RESULTS : According to clinical feedback and comparative analyses , semiconductor laser ′ s curative effect is superior to that of other kinds of lasers in such respects as acupuncture and moxibustion and physiotherapy , dentistry , laser cosmetology , laser surgery .

  20. CO2激光去皱美容仪微机控制系统的研制

    Design of Micro-computer Controlling System in the CO_2 Laser Cosmetic Instrument

  21. CO2激光去皱美容仪整机设计

    Design of CO_2 Laser Cosmetic Instrument for Removing Wrinkle

  22. 本文设计了微机控制的CO2激光去皱美容仪,介绍了仪器的基本结构、工作原理,并分析了仪器的设计思想、CO2激光器的特征及振镜的控制原理。

    The structure and design principle of CO2 laser cosmetic instrument for removing wrinkle with a computer controlling system is presented . The work principle of this device is introduced and analyzed .

  23. CO2激光治疗有碍美容皮肤病1188例分析

    Analysis of 1188 cases dermatosis of disadvantage aesthetics treated by CO_2 laser

  24. 二氧化碳激光在皮肤美容上的应用及临床观察

    Application and clinical observation of CO 2 laser in the skin cosmetology

  25. 为激光技术在美容中的实际应用提供一个参考。

    The paper provides a reference for clinical application of laser in cosmetology .

  26. 激光用于皮肤美容脱毛临床效果观察

    Clinical effect of laser on depilation of skin cosmetology

  27. 在这里您可以找到先进的皮肤病学,激光技术和美容技术。

    Here you will find advanced dermatological science , laser technologies and cosmetic technologies .

  28. YAG激光光纤手术器在美容中的应用

    Application of YAG Laser Optical Fibre Operator in Cosmetology

  29. 激光在整形、美容外科与皮肤科的应用

    Clinical Application of Laser in Plastic Surgery , Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology

  30. 而随着激光医学的进步,激光在皮肤美容领域已得到越来越广泛的应用。

    With the development of laser medicine , lasers have been applied more and more in skin cosmetology .