
  • 网络laser cutting machine;laser cutter
  1. 基于WINDOWSCE的激光切割机开放式数控系统的研究

    The Research on Windows CE-based Open-architecture CNC System of Laser Cutting Machine

  2. 基于USB2.0的激光切割机高速数据传输

    High-speed data transmission of laser cutting machine based on USB 2.0

  3. 高功率CO2激光切割机的精密聚焦系统

    Research and Manufacture on the 2-D Precision Cutting Focus System of High Power CO_2 Laser

  4. 他们也可以尝试高科技工具,包括一台激光切割机及3D打印机,以及传统的购物工具。

    They can also try out high-tech tools including a laser cutter and a 3D printer , as well as traditional shop tools .

  5. 像3D打印机、数控镂铣机和激光切割机等工业设备原先只有高端的设计团队才能使用得到,而现在它们已经变成了消费性产品。

    Industrial tools , such as 3-D printers , CNC routers , and laser cutters , which were previously only available to high-end design teams , are becoming consumer products .

  6. PLATINO激光切割机的激光切割技术

    Laser Cutting Technology of Laser Cutting Machine PLATINO

  7. 参考柔性制造系统(FMS)的基本思想与设计思路,论文提出一套基于计算机与数控器的激光切割机管理与控制系统,包括上位机CAD/CAM系统、计算机辅助排料系统与下位机加工控制模块。

    Referring to the basic idea of FMS ( Flexible Manufacturing System ), a set of management and control system realized by the computer and CNC is developed for the laser cutting machine , including the CAD / CAM system , the computer-aided nesting optimization software and the sub-control module .

  8. 激光切割机高速数据传输及控制算法研究

    High-speed Data Transmission and Control Algorithm Research of Laser Cutting Machine

  9. 数控激光切割机光路补偿措施的探讨

    Discussion about Light Path Compensation for Numerical Control Laser Cutting Machine

  10. 激光切割机开放式数控系统的研究

    The Research on Open Numerical Control System of Laser Cutting Machine

  11. 柔性精密激光切割机的关键技术研究

    The Research on Key Technologies of Flexible Laser Precision Cutting Equipment

  12. 激光切割机取代大型平板绘图仪可行性分析

    Feasibility analysis of replacing the plate-plotting instrument by the laser cutting machine

  13. 数字识别技术在激光切割机中的应用

    Application of Numeral Recognition Technology on CNC Laser Cutting Machine

  14. 激光切割机自动检测及测量造型系统

    An Automatic Detection and Measurement Shaping System for CNC Laser Cutting Machines

  15. 高性能数控激光切割机设计要点

    Design Outline of High Performance NC Laser Cutting Machine

  16. 对大功率二氧化碳脉冲激光切割机切割性能的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Cutting Behavior of laser cutting machine

  17. 数控高度跟踪系统及在激光切割机上的应用

    CNC controlled height tracking system and its application for laser cutting machine tools

  18. 大功率激光切割机的导光系统设计要点

    Key in Design of Light Guiding System of Large Power Laser Cutting Machine

  19. 中国高功率激光切割机出口最大的企业;

    The enterprise with the largest export of laser cutting machine in China ;

  20. 电气比例阀在激光切割机上的应用

    Electic proportion valve appling in laser cutting machines

  21. 多维激光切割机控制系统

    A Control System for Multi-Dimensional Laser Cutting Machine

  22. 回转头压力机&激光切割机组合加工单元

    Cell Combined by Turret Press and Laser Cutter

  23. 激光切割机是面向纺织及绣花行业切割研发的机型。

    Laser cutting machine is facing the textile and cutting machine embroidery industry development .

  24. 所需机器:折弯机,激光切割机,喷砂设备,焊接机。

    Required machines : Bending machine , Laser Cutting machine , Sandblasting facility , Welding machines .

  25. 管子激光切割机

    Laser cutting machine for tubes

  26. 他们七年前购买的激光切割机是在中国制造的。

    The laser cutting machine they bought 7 years ago to start their business was made in China .

  27. 五轴联动激光切割机数控系统空间直线和圆弧插补算法的研究

    A research on interpolation algorithm of space line and arc for numerical control system of five-axis laser cutting machine

  28. 彼得·维里埃正在工作间里用激光切割机制作工艺品。

    At a workshop in Cape Town , Pieter De Villiers is working meticulously on his laser cutting products .

  29. 为了实现这个设计,激光切割机把这个设计切割成了2700层1毫米厚的硬纸片。

    To make the design reality , laser cutters sliced the design out of2,700 individual layers of1mm-thick cardboard sheets .

  30. 综述了国内外三维激光切割机的发展历史、三维激光切割的应用现状及存在的问题。

    This paper summarizes the development of 3D laser cutting machine , illustrates the applications and problems of 3D laser cutting .