
  • 网络Marvel Studios
  1. 据Deadline网站报道,由于“迪士尼和索尼影业无法达成新协议”,漫威影业主席凯文·费奇将不再参与制作任何蜘蛛侠电影。

    According to Deadline 's report , Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige won 't produce any more " Spider-Man " films due to " an inability by Disney and Sony Pictures to reach new terms . "

  2. 目前还不清楚角色细节,漫威影业也没有发表评论。

    Character details were not available , and Marvel Studios had no comment .

  3. 最近我们刚刚宣布,我们将与漫威影业(Marvel)合作一个大项目。

    We just announced we are doing a big Marvel project .

  4. 漫威影业(Marvel)出品的《银河护卫队》(GuardiansoftheGalaxy)一大特征是令人捧腹的愚蠢。

    The distinguishing mark of Marvel 's " Guardians of the Galaxy " is its pleasing silliness .

  5. 制片人DMG娱乐集团,一家中国公司,以及华特迪士尼的漫威影业希望这些变化将有助于缓解过去中国的电影审查方式。

    Co-producer DMG Entertainment , a Chinese firm , and the Walt Disney-owned MarvelStudios hoped the changes would help ease the film 's way past China 's censors .

  6. 漫威影业正在加快步伐,准备打造其首部由亚洲演员主演的超级英雄系列电影《上气》。

    Marvel Studios is fast-tracking Shang-Chi to be its first superhero movie tentpole franchise with an Asian actor .

  7. 据传漫威影业正在开发其首部以亚裔英雄为主角的故事片。

    Marvel Studios reportedly is working on its first feature film with an Asian hero as the lead .

  8. 好莱坞新闻前线报道称,漫威影业正在筹划一部有关“功夫大师”上气的电影。

    Deadline reported that the studio is planning a film about Shang-Chi , also called the Master of Kung Fu .

  9. 迪士尼宣布了这部漫威影业制作的电影《美国队长2:寒冬战士》在洛杉矶开拍,同时还发布了第一张官方海报。

    Disney announced that the Marvel Studios film has begun filming in Los Angeles , and also released the first official photo from the movie .

  10. 钢铁侠的粉丝们准备好咯,漫威影业日前正式宣布,今年《钢铁侠3》将分两种版本上映。

    Fanboys , get ready . Marvel Studios has announced that it will be releasing not one , but two versions of Iron Man 3 this year .

  11. 与此同时,漫威影业发布了即将在2015年5月上映的《复仇者联盟:奥创时代》的最新片段。

    Meanwhile , some new footage for The Avengers : Age of Ultron , which is set for release in May 2015 , was unveiled by Marvel Studios .

  12. 而迈克尔?基顿则扮演反派角色“秃鹫”。漫威影业此次翻拍的蜘蛛侠系列电影是其第16部作品,赫兰德证实,蜘蛛侠从2010年起就属于漫威电影宇宙。

    The reboot of the Spider-Man franchise is the 16th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , and Holland confirmed that his character had been part of the MCU since 2010 .

  13. 作为迪士尼公司的子公司,漫威影业曾成功推出了不少基于超级英雄漫画的好莱坞大片,包括《钢铁侠》和《蜘蛛侠》系列。

    Marvel Entertainment , a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Co , has produced a lot of popular Hollywood blockbuster films based on iconic comic books such as the Iron Man and Spider-Man franchise .

  14. 从漫威影业角度、不仅仅是银河系影片角度来看,《银河护卫队》属于一部讨喜的轻量级作品,尽管影片有许多打斗场面以及眼花缭乱的视觉效果。

    In the grand scheme of things - Marvel things , not merely galactic things - " Guardians " is a likable lightweight , though it 's heavy enough on cosmic combat and dazzling effects .