
chuán qiú
  • pass;feed;throw a pass;handoff
传球 [chuán qiú]
  • [feed;pass] 球类比赛时将接到的球传给本方队员

传球[chuán qiú]
  1. 这个传球使齐达内将球轻松踢进门。

    The pass left Zidane with a simple tap-in .

  2. 她传球的时机掌握得恰到好处。

    She timed the pass perfectly .

  3. 他本该射门,不该传球。

    He should have shot instead of passing .

  4. 他的传球在阴沉的天空中划出了一道完美的弧线。

    His pass described a perfect arc through the leaden sky .

  5. 哥伦比亚队凭借流畅的传球和终场前的制胜进球击败了他们。

    They were outplayed by the Colombians ' slick passing and decisive finishing .

  6. 那年夏天,当其他球队都在享受假期时,我们每天都聚在一起传球踢球。

    That summer , When the other teams enjoyed their vacations , we met every day and passing and kicking the football .

  7. 例如,如果一个篮球明星会为了更高的个人总分在本该传球给队友的时候自己投篮,从而影响了球队表现。

    If a basketball star is , for example , trying to gain a high personal point total , he may take a shot himself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate , affecting the team 's performance .

  8. 他行动不便,需要靠轮椅行动,但他是一名优秀的篮球运动员,就像任何一个孩子一样,当他投篮不中或传球失误时,他都会感到心烦意乱。

    He is in a wheelchair and is a good basketball player , but just like any kid , it upsets him when he misses a shot or makes a bad pass .

  9. 他可能是个出色的传球手,但除此之外没有其它强项了,他基本上仅有一个可取之处而已。

    He might be an excellent passer but nothing more – he 's basically a one-trick pony .

  10. 实验班与对照班在网前传球正确的反应次数差异显著(P<0.05)。

    The difference of effective reaction times before the net of the two teams is notable ( p < 0 . 05 ) .

  11. 系统进一步完善,对AI球员的传球产生影响。

    Personality Plus is more developed and should influence AI players'passes this time .

  12. SecondSpectrum公布的数据显示,凯尔特人队在欧文直接传球的情况下平均得分为1.21分,而在欧文自己终结进攻的情况下平均得分为1.13分。

    The Celtics averaged 1.21 points per direct Irving drive whenever he passed out of it , compared with a still-robust 1.13 points when he finished with a shot , according to Second Spectrum data .

  13. CBA球员在身体素质、体能水平、心理素质、传球技术储备情况等方面均不如NBA球员。

    CBA on health , physical and mental qualities , skills in passing the reserves as in the NBA players .

  14. 美国NBA球员乔丹在篮球场上投篮、带球、切入、传球有如神助。

    Jordan , the player of NBA in USA , boasts magic skills of playing , such as shooting , dribbling , cutting-in and passing ball .

  15. 而到了NBA,在后卫出身的沃特森的调教下,布克的传球能力得到进一步提升。

    Now , in the pros , under the tutelage of the former point guard Watson , he 's developed that part of his game further .

  16. 传球准确性与上肢动觉准确性、上肢感知觉、下肢肌肉感知觉之间相关系数很小,且没有显著意义(p0.05),说明它们之间没有密切关系。

    Passing accuracy and the accuracy of upper limb kinesthetic , sensory upper limb , lower limb muscle correlation coefficient between the perception is very small , and no significant ( p0.05 ), that they are not germane .

  17. 小沃顿,是著名中锋(名人堂)比尔沃顿的儿子,从小就是凯尔特人的忠实粉丝。出色的传球天赋,和篮球IQ使小沃顿成了一个任劳任怨的场上帮手。

    LukeWalton , the son of Hall of Famer Bill , grew up a green and whitebleeding Celtics fan whose keen passing abilities and unrivaledbasketball IQ make him an invaluable contributer .

  18. 全场大部分时间里,韩国队都只能跟在阿根廷后面疲于奔命,试图能够跟上特维斯(CarlosTevez),迪马利亚(AngelDiMaria),伊瓜因和罗德里格斯之间眼花缭乱的传球表演。

    For most of the game , Argentina kept the Koreans on their heels , struggling to catch up with the dizzying combinations of passes between Carlos Tevez , Angel Di Maria , and Higuain and Rodriguez .

  19. 这位巴塞罗那中场球员接过替补法布雷加斯(CescFabregas)的顺利传球,在116分钟加时赛中越过了荷兰守门员斯特克伦伯格(MaartenStekelenburg),成功射门。

    The Barcelona midfielder collected a sliding pass from Cesc Fabregas and shot the ball past Dutch goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg in the 116th minute of extra time .

  20. 本文对多智能体间的协作和协调进行了研究和分析,论述了基于角色和基于区域的两种传球决策方法,以及它们在中南大学云麓队(CSUYunlu)中的应用。

    This paper studies the collaboration of agents and discusses in detail the role-based passing ball strategy and area-based passing ball strategy .

  21. 我此前并不清楚泰森·钱德勒(TysonChandler)有多优秀,直到看到他和林书豪一起打球。在上周,林书豪通过吸引防守后的传球,为钱德勒创造了很多轻松灌篮的机会。

    I didn 't know how good Tyson Chandler was , until I saw him playing with Jeremy Lin. Lin has set Chandler up many times over the last week for easy dunks because he drew the defense and then passed the ball .

  22. 制定排球传球技术教学目标的理论研究

    Theoretical research of drawing up teaching objective in volleyball pass technique

  23. 他有外线投篮、突破,也有准确的传球。

    His outside shot , penetration , he was finding guys .

  24. 改进的游戏性:传球和站位都被更新了。

    IMPROVED GAMEPLAY : Passing and positioning have all been enhanced .

  25. 浅论排球传球教学方法的运用与技术分析

    On the Practice of Teaching Method and Technique Analysis of Volleyball-Setting

  26. 排球传球技术目标教学的实验研究

    An experimental study of aim teaching in volleyball pass movement techniques

  27. 传球依然是衡量一个好的中场球员的一个重要指标。

    Passing is a key indicator of a good midfield performance .

  28. 看我来几个准确的击打和漂亮的传球。

    I wanna see some quick sticks and some tight passing .

  29. 最终表明这种传球策略提高了传球效率。

    In the end , the efficiency of pass has rised .

  30. (橄榄球)没能接住传球或者没能在边界内接住传球。

    ( football ) not caught or not caught within bounds .