
  • 网络red dust;Rolling World;Changeable World
  1. 在滚滚红尘中,作为芸芸众生的你我有不少人会这样做:你对我不好,我也不会对你好。

    In Red Dust , the blues for you , as I have a lot of people do it : you tell me bad , I would not Hello .

  2. 滚滚红尘中,她看到忧伤,看到寂寞,看到自己的长发染了千山万水的风尘,依旧执著微笑,于是我也微笑。

    Red Dust , she saw sad to see lonely , to see their long hair dyed the mountains of the eolian dust , still persistent smile , so I smiled .

  3. 滚滚红尘中,她是最永恒的风景,尽管有些破旧。

    In the billowing world of mortals , she is the most eternal scenery , though some broken-down .

  4. 我不知道陈蔚的艺术个性中对喧嚣世界、浮华时尚与滚滚红尘的拒绝与逃逸是基于何种缘由?

    I do not know what causes the refuse and escape of Chen Wei 's art Personality for the noisy world , vanity fashion and this world ?

  5. 在物欲横流的滚滚红尘中,更需要一份淡泊的心境,谢绝繁华,回归简朴。淡定从容的笑对人生。

    In the world full of material desires , we need a peace mind , refuse the bustle , back to the simple and face life with calm and smile .

  6. 红尘滚滚,滚滚红尘,时间就如同一转园轮,载着我们不断前行。

    Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along .