- 名lysogen

Detection of Lysogenic Phage from Bacillus thuringiensis by PCR Method
If the number of co-infecting viruses exceeded a certain threshold , the positive feedback loop associated with cI dominated , turning the switch to the lysogenic pathway .
The third peak could be recognized by antisperm antibody and SIT positive serum by using ELISA method , Which showed that the third peak was gene expressed human sperm antigen .
The results indicated that the recA gene showed a remarkable physiological function in the λ lysogenic bacteria . It could induce the λ prophage to enter the lysis cycle from lysogenic state .
Isolation and identification of several lysogenic strains of Bacillus thuringiensis
Effect of Melanin on Growth and UV Induction of λ Lysogenic Strain
Phage a has the ability of lysogenic conversion for production of SAK , but α has not .
Lysogeny : Type of life cycle that takes place in a Bacteriophage after it infects certain types of Bacteria .
The effect of GSH on the ultraviolet ( UV ) induction of lambda prophage was investigated in lysogenic Escherichia coli in present study .
It was found that HX - XO system could induce lambda prophage from lysogenic state to lytic growth as well as UV irradiation .
The morphological character of plaque and particle , the stability and immunity of lysogen , the serological specificity of these phages were studied .
In Early Carboniferous karst peneplain of Central Guizhou there were a lot of karst negative forms , for example karst basin , karst depression .
" The decision circuit is a race between two pathways and in the case of a single virus , the outcome is biased toward lysis ," explained Weitz .
Nearly all previous theoretical studies have claimed that switching between " lysis " and " latency " pathways depends on some change in environmental conditions or random chance .
Studies on the lysogenic conversion of Staphylococcus aureus for the production of staphylokinase ⅱ . comparison of the converting and non-converting phages isolated from a double lysogenic strain of S.aureus
Two serotype A temperate phages were isolated from staphylococcus aureus strain 120.One of them has the capacity of lysogenic conversion for production of staphylokinase , it has not been reported previously .
In vitro , cathepsin B can hydrolyze extracellular matrix such as fibronectin , I type collagen , IV collagen and laminin proteins , but also is able to activate urokinase-type plasminogen activator 、 matrix metalloproteinases .
The effects of surfactants ( e.g. SDS ) on the RAST inhibition tests must be emphasized when they were used as re-dissolvent agent to improve protein resolution in RAST inhibition .
Compared to normal group , cervicitis and vaginitis group and infertility group were 2 times and more higher in the positive rate of Ureaplasma urealyticum .
Method : Fibrinolytic parameters included plasminogen ( PLG ) activity , tissue plasminogen activator ( t PA ) activity and plasminogen activator inhibitor ( PAI ) activity .
The synthesis of Insoluble Xanthate Starch ( ISX ) was modified and the effect factors and technical conditions for application of the synthesized ISX in treatment some wastewater containing Cu ( II ) or Fe ( II ) ions were also investigated .
Insoluble starch xanthate acrylamide ( ISXA ) is effective for removing metal ions and turbidity due to properties of its two components : insoluble starch xanthate ( for metal removal ) and starch-acrylamide graft copolymer for turbidity reduction ) .
The treatment of wastewater - containing nickel with Insoluble Starch Xanthate
Insoluble Starch Xanthate Synthesis and Study of Heavy Metal Wastewater Treatment
Application of Insoluble Starch Xanthate in Treatment of Wastewater Containing Copper Ions
Removal of copper and turbidity by insoluble starch xanthate acrylamide
Copper removal from waste water with Insoluble Starch Xanthate
Pine bark extract contains more than 40 kinds of natural active compositions , and the major component is proanthocyanidins .
Factor V gene , prothrombin gene and tissue factor gene in clotting system , thrombomodulin gene and antithrombin III in anti clotting system , plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 gene in fibrinolytic system , are related with hypercoagulability tightly .
Effects of Thrombin-activable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor and Hirudin on Fibrinolysis ; Relationship between plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 and neuroblastoma