
A spokesman for the U.S. Navy 's Seventh Fleet -- which has ships , helicopters and one surveillance plane taking part in the search -- said it was homing in on two areas : a 120-by-120 square-nautical-mile area in the northern part of Malacca Strait and a 100-by-100 square nautical mile area in the Gulf of Thailand .
A study on the meat condition of the SOLEN strictus in Zhifu Bay
A process for preparing ready-to-eat retort pouch oyster using oysters ( Crassostrea talienwhanensis Crosse ) as material was developed in this paper .
A Simulation Study of Impacts of Uncertainty on the Assessment of the Crimson Sea Bream ( Paragyrops edita ) Fishery in Beibu Gulf
On the basis of the quantitative calculation of paleosalinity and its sub-area , the position of palaeo-lakeshore during the deposition of6th oil-bearing member of Yanchang Formation was determined .
A bay called Haitangwan , farther along the eastern coast toward the city of Boao , boasts a21-kilometer beach & several times as long as the one at Yalong .