
  • 网络bay;Bay Area;Gulf Coast
  1. 笔者在湾区试驾了50英里(约合80公里),B级ElectricDrive在加速情况下动力十足。

    Throughout my 50-mile test drive in the Bay area , the B-ED had great spirit under the spur .

  2. 美国旧金山湾区的城际轨道交通网络附属存储NAS与存储区域网络SAN

    The Inter-city Rail Transit in San Francisco Bay Area NAS and SAN

  3. Jason居住在旧金山市湾区。

    Jason lives in the San Francisco Bay Area .

  4. 在旧金山湾区有一个人就喜欢ADI!

    There is one person in the san francisco bay area that likes ADI !

  5. 我生活的旧金山湾区(SanFranciscoBayArea)有超过60个商家接受比特币,但要找到一家值得花钱的地方仍要颇费一番周折。

    There are more than 60 in the San Francisco Bay Area where I live , but I still struggled to find places worth spending my bitcoin .

  6. 这桩与iPod有关的案子10年来由湾区的多家联邦法院经手。

    The case involving the iPod has kicked around various Bay Area federal courts for a decade .

  7. 在229位员工的帮助下,他们在179个国家已售出了1亿张门票,包括“西南偏南音乐节”(SouthbySouthwest)和“湾区马拉松”(BayAreamarathons)活动的门票。

    With the help of 229 employees , they have sold over 100 million tickets in 179 countries to events like South by Southwest after-parties and bay area marathons .

  8. 在扎克伯格慷慨解囊之际,美国湾区(BayArea)科技行业正与当地的其他社区关系出现紧张,一些社区抗议富有的科技从业人员推高了租金。

    Mr Zuckerberg 's donation comes at a time of tension between the technology industry and other communities in the Bay Area , some of which have protested about the affluent tech workers pushing up rents .

  9. 麦克·金(MikeKim)像美国湾区的大多数年轻人一样,从小就相信硅谷打造着科技的未来。

    Like most young people in the Bay Area , Mike Kim grew up believing that the future of technology was being forged in Silicon Valley .

  10. 在一个骚乱的夏天之后,这位NBA最新的“恶棍”正在找寻安宁并在湾区一众科技巨头中建立自己的帝国。

    After a turbulent summer , the N.B.A. " s newest " villain " is finding peace and building an empire among the Bay Area 's techies .

  11. 这些路线经过了湾区的每一个部分,从门洛帕克(MenloPark)的林荫道到隆巴德街(LombardStreet)之字爬坡路线。

    The roads wound through every part of the Bay Area - from the leafy lanes of Menlo Park to the switchbacks of Lombard Street .

  12. 如果你在旧金山湾区驾驶柴油车,也许你会注意到propel燃料站与以往有所不同。

    If you drive a diesel vehicle in the bay area , you may have noticed something a little different at your propel fuels station .

  13. 58岁的格蕾馨·林特纳(GretchenLintner)居住在旧金山湾区。

    Gretchen Lintner , 58 , lives in the San Francisco Bay Area .

  14. 并且,它们全部来自美国西海岸,包括旧金山湾区的苹果(Apple)、Alphabet和Facebook,以及西雅图一带的微软(Microsoft)和亚马逊(Amazon)。

    And they all hailed from the West coast of the US , whether the San Francisco Bay Area ( Apple , Alphabet and Facebook ) or in and around Seattle ( Microsoft and Amazon ) .

  15. 当然,这两家企业在黄金州(加州别名&译注)有着非常庞大的业务规模,更有甚者,其他一些技术巨头,从甲骨文(Oracle)到Facebook,都将旧金山湾区称之为他们的家。

    Of course , both companies have a massive presence in the Golden state , not to mention other tech giants that call the Bay Area home , from Oracle ( ORCL ) to Facebook ( FB ) .

  16. 这种以前服用后不能被检测出的禁药由湾区实验室合作社(简称BALCO)生产。

    The previously-undetectable drug was manufactured by the Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative or BALCO .

  17. 乔伊斯·戈德斯坦(JoyceGoldstein)是湾区的大厨,也是餐厅顾问和美食作家,几十年来一直用加州农产品烹饪,她说,干旱之下出产的作物要用不同的方式烹饪。

    Drought-stressed produce cooks differently , said Joyce Goldstein , a Bay Area chef , restaurant consultant and food writer who has cooked with California produce for decades .

  18. 近日,谷歌公司正在加州湾区选定的几家餐馆推出了其HandsFree支付功能,该功能可以让安装了此支付应用的消费者昂首阔步地走进一家餐馆,点餐,只需说一句“我要用谷歌来支付”即可结账。

    Google is rolling out its " Hands Free " payments feature in select restaurants in California 's Bay Area which will let people who have the app strut into an eatery , order , and check out simply by saying " I 'll pay with Google . "

  19. USGS表示,地震的震源位于美国大峡谷西北6英里的湾区北端。

    The USGS said the earthquake 's epicentre was six miles northwest of the American Canyon , at the northern end of the Bay Area .

  20. 第二个地方便是旧金山市湾区。在所有的市长当中,GavinNewsom精心设计了一个政策方案。

    The second one was the San Francisco Bay Area where Gavin Newsom created a beautiful policy across all the mayors .

  21. 在旧金山市湾区,你不但有最高密度的丰田双动力车Priuses,

    In the San Francisco Bay Area not only do you have the highest concentration of Priuses ,

  22. 运营哈珀·贝克汉姆时尚网站的阿纳斯塔西娅·麦德弗德娃(AnastasiaMedvedeva)是旧金山湾区的一位博主。

    The person who runs the Harper Beckham fashion site , Anastasia Medvedeva , is a blogger based in the San Francisco Bay Area .

  23. 都将旧金山湾区称之为他们的家。2010年,连续创业家约翰·金泽尔打算创办自己的第三家企业XerisPharmaceuticals时,他觉得已受够了加州,尽管他在该州居住了近25年。

    When the time came for him to set up his third company , Xeris Pharmaceuticals in 2010 , serial entrepreneur John Kinzell decided he had had enough of California , despite living there for almost 25 years .

  24. LaBoulangeBakery在旧金山湾区拥有19个零售网点,向该地区数家高档餐馆、酒店和特色杂货店出售产品。

    La boulange bakery operates 19 retail locations in the San Francisco Bay area and sells its products to several upscale restaurants , hotels , and specialty grocery stores in the region .

  25. 当被问到是否正进军湾区科技圈,杜兰特先生回应他正如饥似渴地跟随勇士队友安德烈-伊格达拉的脚步。伊格达拉是一个著名的投资人,投资的公司包括Twitter,Facebook和特斯拉。

    Asked if he is plugging himself into the Bay Area tech scene , Mr. Durant responded that he is eagerly following the lead of a Warriors teammate , Andre Iguodala , who is a noted investor in companies like Twitter , Facebook and Tesla .

  26. 然后,他跨过领奖台,拥抱了库里。最后,接过闪闪发光的MVP奖杯,伸出双臂高高举起它,他要让所有人都看到这份荣誉–从湾区到俄城的所有人。

    Then he moved across the podium and hugged Stephen Curry before accepting his shiny MVP trophy , holding out his arms and hoisting it for everyone to see-from the Bay all the way to OKC .

  27. Instacart目前只在旧金山湾区提供服务,梅塔希望到明年底扩大到美国10个主要的大都市。

    Available in the bay area now , Mehta wants to be in 10 major metropolitan areas by the end of next year .

  28. 王雪红在加州门罗帕克的瑰丽酒店(RosewoodHotel)接受采访时说:我必须得回信,否则他会很生气。(她要经常往返于旧金山湾区和台北,这里靠近HTC的总部。)

    I had to write back or he would be upset , says Wang during an interview at the Rosewood Hotel in Menlo Park , Calif. ( She splits her time between the Bay Area and Taipei , close to where HTC is based . )

  29. Instacart则利用整个旧金山湾区(Instacart目前在仅这个地区运营)已有的基础设施,其中包括诸多知名超市,以及约200名已签合同的个人购物配送员。

    Instacart uses an already existing infrastructure , one that includes well-known supermarkets and the hustle of some 200 contracted personal shoppers across the San Francisco Bay area , where instacart is available .

  30. 那边的巴士会带你去湾区景观饭店。

    That bus will take you to the Bay View Hotel .