
tuān liú
  • turbulence;turbulent flow;rapids;torrent;rushing waters;swift current
湍流 [tuān liú]
  • [swift current;turbulent flow;turbulence;torrent;rushing waters] 急而回旋的水流

湍流[tuān liú]
  1. 湍流与空泡腐蚀,加剧了焊缝腐蚀的发展。

    Rushing waters and cavitation corrosion aggravated the development of welding corrosion .

  2. 光束抖动频谱遥感大气湍流外尺度的理论与实验

    The theory and experiment of remote sensing of atmospheric torrent external size by light beam vibration frequency spectrum

  3. 表面上的几条法令基本控制不住无政府混乱局面的湍流涌动。

    A thin veneer of law and order barely keeps the seething , bubbling cauldron of chaos and anarchy in check .

  4. 胡非。湍流、间歇性与大气边界层。北京:科学出版社,1995

    HU Fei . Turbulence , Intermittency and Atmospheric Boundary Layer ( in Chinese ) . Beijing : Science Press , 1995 .

  5. 在此基础上,得到维数与Red、热释放率及1次风流量等燃烧控制因子的依变关系,并讨论了湍流火焰分维结构的内在机理。

    The mechanism of fractal nature in turbulent flame structure is also discussed .

  6. 固液两相流中的K-ε双方程湍流模式

    A K - ε Two-Equation Turbulence Model for the Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow

  7. 采用k-ε两方程湍流模型及SIMPLE算法对二维平面射流和三维空调房间内的非等温浮力射流进行数值模拟。

    The k - ε two-equation turbulence model and arithmetic of SIMPLE are adopted to simulate the flow field .

  8. 预混,圆杆稳定的V型火焰中湍流&燃烧的相互作用

    Turbulence-combustion interactions in premixed , rod stabilized v - flame

  9. 应用形态学算子检测SAR图像中的湍流航迹

    Apply morphological operators to detect turbulent ship wakes in SAR Imagery

  10. 非均匀网格下的QUICK格式应用于强分离湍流计算

    Adaptation of QUICK schemes under uneven grids to the calculations of strongly separated turbulent flow

  11. 流动过程的模拟用湍流两方程模型,辐射换热用MonteCarlo解法。

    The turbulent two-equation model and the Monte Carlo technique are used in predicting .

  12. 应用分区非结构化网格,进行了二维可压缩湍流流场的数值模拟,在数值计算中应用了kε湍流模型,并考虑壁面热辐射的辐射传热模型;

    The unstructural grid , k - ε turbulence model and heat radiator model were applied to simulation for a unsteady axisymmetric flow field .

  13. 利用这个表达式重新构造动量方程,引入各向异性k方程和ε方程,建立了新的湍流数学模型一各向异性k-ε模型。

    By using of these expressions and introducing anisotropic κ equation and ε equation , an anisotropic κ - ε model has been established .

  14. 任意拉格朗日-欧拉(ALE)法求解三维湍流流动

    Three Dimensional Turbulent Flow Computation with Arbitrary Lagrangian - Eulerian method

  15. 用PDF方法求解平均温度梯度为常数的均匀剪切湍流

    The calculation of homogeneous ' turbulent SHE-AR flow within uniform mean temperature gradient using PDF method

  16. 这样新鲜的铜表面在浆料的作用下继续被氧化,机械磨除、络合,反应产物被湍流的浆料带走,周而复始,完成铜的CMP过程。

    This process goes round and round , and copper CMP was finished .

  17. 提出了一种交错的有限体积迎风格式算法,用以联合求解NS方程与Kω湍流模型方程。

    A staggered finite volume upwind algorithm for solving the compressible NavierStokes equations and the K ω turbulence model equations has been developed .

  18. 开发应用了热膜风速仪测量搅拌槽内气-液两相流的局部气含率、液体的时均速度及湍流参数,从国内外已有的文献看,只有Lu做了类似的工作。

    A hot-film anemometer was used in the measurement of local gas-holdup , liquid mean velocity and turbulence parameters in gas-liquid stirred tanks .

  19. 检测湍流猝发的U&Level方法和VITA方法

    The U - level and the VITA Technique for Detecting Bursts

  20. 用三分量LDV测量壁湍流边界层

    Measurements of Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Wall of Water Channel by 3D LDV

  21. WR型煤粉燃烧器一次风湍流混合特性的研究

    Investigation on the turbulence mixing characteristis of primary air in WR-TYPE PC Burner

  22. 用H-S波前探测器得到校正前后波前相位时间功率谱,分析了自适应光学控制系统对大气湍流扰动波前的时域校正效果。

    Using data which were measured from H S wavefront sensor of an AO system , power spectra density ( PSD ) was calculated and compared between open loop and close loop conditions .

  23. 应用Euler理论的多相流体模型,建立了剩余推进剂排放气-粒两相湍流流动的数学模型;

    The mathematic model of turbulent gas-particle flows of remained propellant space emission is established by applying multi-phase fluid model of Euler theory .

  24. 漂移波湍流中clumps理论

    Theory of clumps in drift - wave turbulence

  25. SST湍流方程求解时,使用点隐式格式进行时间推进从而解除了由于源项存在所引起的时间步长的限制,保证湍流方程和流动方程同步推进时的稳定性。

    In order to advance the SST turbulence equations at the same rate as the flow equations , a point-implicit scheme is used .

  26. 利用气象铁塔的风、温梯度资料,对陆面上近地层湍流拖曳系数CD和总体输送系数CH(或CE)的大小和日变化规律进行研究。

    The magnitude and diurnal variation of the turbulent drag coefficient CD and bulk transport coefficient of heat ( or moisture ) flux , CH ( or CE ) .

  27. 本文应用双流体模型及k-ε-kp两相湍流模型,研究了水力旋流器内油水两相湍流流场。

    He swirling oil-water two-phase turbulent flow in a hydrocyclone has been simulated by using the two-fluid model with a k - ε - kp two-phase turbulence model .

  28. 结果表明,RNGk-ε湍流模型算得的结果比k-ε模型有所改进。

    It is shown that the RNG K - ε turbulence model is better than the traditional one .

  29. 应用该方法得出了Navier-Stokes方程湍流态的摄动方程,深刻地揭示了湍流的重要物理本性。

    The turbulence perturbation equation of the Navier-Stokes equation has been obtained by using the method , which deeply reveals the physical essence of turbulence .

  30. 采用非线性k-e湍流模型的污水岸边排放数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation to the Wastewater 's Side Discharges Using Nonlinear k - ε Turbulence Model