
  • 网络port competitiveness
  1. 南通港口竞争力评价指标体系的构建与实证分析

    Construction and Empirical Analysis of Evaluation Index System of Nantong Port Competitiveness

  2. 基于粗糙集的港口竞争力评价模型的构建与应用

    A Port Competitiveness Evaluation Model Based on Rough Set

  3. 基于F-AHP的内河港口竞争力分析

    Analysis of the competitiveness of inland port based on F-AHP

  4. 港口竞争力演化研究及对天津港的启示

    Elicitation to Tianjin Port from the Research on Port Competitiveness Evolvement

  5. 基于证据推理法的港口竞争力评价研究

    The Research of Port 's Competitiveness Evaluation Based on Evidential Reasoning Approach

  6. 第四部分是港口竞争力评价模型的构建。

    In the fourth part , the author constructs an assessment model for port competitiveness .

  7. 青岛港口竞争力研究

    Study on the Competitiveness of Qingdao Port

  8. 大连港口竞争力评价问题研究

    Research on Competitiveness of Dalian Port

  9. 港口竞争力的评价研究主要包括港口竞争力评价指标体系的建立和港口竞争力评价方法的选择两方面。

    The evaluation research on port competitiveness mainly includes the establishment of port competitiveness evaluation indicators system and the choice of port competitiveness evaluation methods .

  10. 其中,港口竞争力的提升与全球供应链管理的关系已经引起理论界和实践部门的高度重视。

    Among which the relation between the improvement of port competitiveness and global supply chain management has caused much attention in academic and practical departments .

  11. 港口竞争力系统是一个不断演变的系统,它是系统内各个子要素之间协同作用的结果。

    The port competitiveness system is a dynamic evolutive system , and a sequential port competitiveness system results from the synergistic reaction among subsidiary factors in the system .

  12. 第三,通过结构方程模型的运行,得出了影响港口竞争力的五大类指标的重要性程度排序为:港口经营环境、航运状况、港口基础设施、港口管理以及港口地理位置自然条件。

    The results showed that port operation environment , shipping conditions , port infrastructure , port management , port geographic and natural condition were the most important factors .

  13. 最后,本文结合综合分析的评价结果对如何提升辽宁口岸集装箱港口竞争力提出了建议。

    Finally , combining with the comprehensive results of the evaluation system , the paper puts forward some suggestions on how to enhance the competitiveness of Liaoning container ports .

  14. 研究者建立评价指标体系时,为了较全面地对港口竞争力进行评价,指标选取的量比较多,难免出现指标冗余,从而加大了评价的工作量,降低了评价的准确性。

    To evaluate port competitiveness comprehensively , some researchers chose a large number of indicators for evaluation , which have increased the workload of analysis and reduced the accuracy .

  15. 本文通过对营口港的市场环境进行深入调研和分析,为提高港口竞争力,提高港口对客户服务的质量,提出对港口进行客户细分,并探索出了一种适合的客户细分方法。

    On the basis of deep investigation and analysis of market environment in Yingkou Port , in order to improve competitiveness and the quality of customer service , customer segmentation is put forward .

  16. 在此结论的基础上,结合营口港的实际情况,给出了营口港应该积极与哪些公司建立合作关系,进而提高港口竞争力。

    In this conclusion , based on the combination of the actual situation of Yingkou Port , Yingkou Port should be actively working with a partnership , and to improve competitiveness of our port .

  17. 随着国际海运业的发展,影响港口竞争力的因素也在不断变化,至今还没有系统和权威的港口竞争力评价指标体系出现。

    As the development of international shipping field , the influencing factors of port competitiveness are changing continuously . Until now , there is no one systemic and authoritative port competitiveness evaluation indicators system .

  18. 通过对海运业的特点、港口竞争力及其要素、港口的发展以及港口企业发展的相关因素的分析,找出港口企业发展的对策。

    By analyzing the characteristics of the ocean shipping , the port competitive capacity and the other essential factors , the port development , the countermeasure of port enterprise 's development are put forward in this paper .

  19. 总结设计集装箱港口竞争力评价指标体系的原则,通过参考其他学者关于构建评价指标体系的研究成果和建议,构建本文的集装箱港口竞争力评价指标体系。

    Analyze container port competitiveness evaluation index system of principles , by reference to other scholars on the Construction of Evaluation Index System of the results and recommendations of this container port build competitiveness evaluation index system .

  20. 最后,根据主成分分析和聚类分析的结果对港口竞争力进行了分类分析和综合分析,并相应的对提高港口竞争力提出了建议。

    Finally , basing the results of principal component analysis and cluster analysis , the competitiveness of the ports are classified analyzed and comprehensive analyzed , and suggestion about improving the competitiveness of these ports are given .

  21. 最后,本文建议提高营口港产业集群竞争力应从企业文化、信任机制、技术创新、政府职能等方面来提高港口竞争力来制定合理战略。

    Finally , the paper proposed to increase the competitiveness of Yingkou Port industrial clusters from corporate culture , trust mechanisms , technological innovation , and government functions . That will certainly improve the competitiveness of our port areas .

  22. 围绕这一问题,本研究在一定的程度上补充和扩展了对供应链管理和港口竞争力的理论研究,并且对于港口高层领导者如何成功进行供应链管理具有实践意义。

    On this issue , the research supplements and expands the theoretical research on supply chain management and port competitiveness to some extent . Meanwhile , the research provides with practical meaning for senior leaders of ports on how to implement supply chain management successfully .

  23. 同时,在港口竞争力评价方法选择方面,摒弃了依靠专家打分的主观评价法,尝试性地提出一种基于熵技术与粗糙集的港口竞争力评价模型。

    At the same time , in the aspect of evaluation methods selection , this model abandons subjective evaluation methods that rely on the experts ' subjective scores , and tries to put forward a new evaluation method that based on entropy technology and Rough Sets theory .

  24. 基于国际贸易的港口物流竞争力研究

    The Study of Competitiveness of Port Logistics Based on the International Trade

  25. 提出了基于模糊评价法的集装箱港口市场竞争力评价模型。

    The evaluation model based on the fuzzy comprehensive assessment was put forward .

  26. 我国主要集装箱运输港口的竞争力评价研究

    A Study of Evaluation on Competition Power for Main Container Transportation Harbors in China

  27. 港口企业竞争力评价研究

    On Competitive Power Evaluation of Port Enterprises

  28. 中国港口综合竞争力排行榜报告

    Report on Competitiveness Ranking of Chinese Ports

  29. 在对港口市场竞争力的主要因素进行深入分析的基础上,构建评价港口综合竞争力的评价指标体系。

    Based on the deep analysis of main factors about market competitiveness of ports , the evaluation index system of port comprehensive competitiveness is constructed .

  30. 同时腹地城市及区域经济的发展可以提高港口的竞争力,为港口提供更多货源及相关配套服务。

    At the same time , hinterland urban city and regional economic development can enhance the competitiveness of the port , providing more goods and services .