
  • 网络Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;Hongkong
  1. 劳动力成本对港澳台FDI影响显著。

    Labor cost has significant effect on FDI from Hongkong , Macao , Taiwan .

  2. 港澳台海外教会新闻

    Church News in Hongkong , Macao , Taiwan and the world

  3. 港澳台等地大学生的因素C、E、H、I和Q1标准分均值明显低于广东和内地学生。

    Means of standard score of factors C , E , H , I and Q1 in college students from Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan were obviously different from that of inland .

  4. 浅谈港澳台学生的物理化学教学方法

    Discussion on Teaching Means of Physical Chemistry for Overseas Students

  5. 港澳台、海外客户,请点此注册。

    Overseas User , Please click here to register .

  6. 港澳台工作进一步加强。

    We strengthened our work related to Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan .

  7. 港澳台人员如何对待尚未明确。

    Treatment of nationals of Taiwan , Hong Kong and Macau is unclear .

  8. 狭义的民营企业则不包含港澳台投资企业和外商投资企业。

    In narrow sense , Civilian Enterprise , the foreign investment enterprise is not included .

  9. 国外和中国港澳台民族语文政策及经验教训

    National Language Policy and Lessons learned of Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan and Foreign Countries

  10. 这些国际学校原则上只能接收居住在中国的外籍人员及港澳台人员子女。

    These schools only accept foreign children or children from Hong Kong , Taiwan and Macao .

  11. 就读于上海高校的港澳台大学生的跨文化适应

    Investigating the Intercultural Adaptation of Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan Students Studying in Shanghai 's Universities

  12. 我们要赴港澳台进行为期一个月的考察。

    We are going to make a one-month inspection tour of Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan .

  13. 我国华南地区与港澳台共同形成的南中国经济区的快速发展,已经引起国际经济学家们的广泛关注。

    The rapid development of South China Economic Zone has drawn wide attention of world wide economists .

  14. 入乡不随俗与润物细无声&浅谈云南民族文化在港澳台地区传播的语言策略

    The Language Strategy in the Transmission of Yunnan Ethnic Culture in Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan

  15. 到深圳就业的外国人和港澳台人员日趋增多

    The number of foreigners and citizens of Hong Kong , Macau and Taiwan that work in Shenzhen increases

  16. 中国内地及港澳台地区药事管理研究动态介绍

    Comparison of Study Development of Pharmacy Administration between the Mainland , HongKong , Macao and Taiwan in China

  17. 由此可见,包括港澳台在内的外资购房,也受到很大抑制。

    Clearly , Hong Kong , Macao , including the purchase of foreign capital , was greatly inhibited .

  18. 中医药院校港澳台学生自我和谐与心理健康的关系

    The Relationship Between Self-harmony and Mental Health of Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan Students From TCM Universities

  19. 此外,港澳台地区宗教法治建设的成就突出。

    In addition , the achievement of religious construction is outstanding in Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan areas .

  20. 广义的民营企业是对除国有和国有控股企业以外的多种所有制经济的统称,包括个体工商户、私营企业、集体企业、港澳台投资企业和外商投资企业。

    In broad sense , Civilian Enterprise includes individual merchant , private enterprise , collectivity enterprise and foreign investment enterprises .

  21. 此外,1993年春晚以港澳台的现场融合而闻名。

    Moreover , the 1993 Gala was noted for having live crossovers between Hong Kong , Taiwan , and Macao .

  22. 我国港澳台地区都已因应信息化社会发展趋势需要,颁布了专门个人信息保护法。

    Hong Kong , Macao has promulgated the Personal Information Protection Act in response to trends in the information society requires .

  23. 展品兼顾港澳台三地作品的地域特色,注意到既有风格上的独特性,又有艺术上的代表性。

    The exhibited works have regional features of the three places , giving attention to unique styles and representation of arts .

  24. 广州中医药大学外事及港澳台事务资料研究

    Study on the History of Foreign Affairs and Hong Kong , Macau and Taiwan Affairs to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine

  25. 河南拥有丰富的祖根地资源,是众多华人华侨、港澳台同胞的祖根地。

    Henan province owns rich resource on ancestor root of many oversea Chinese and the compatriots of Hongkong , Macao and Taiwan .

  26. 然后分三类对国外及港澳台地区关于除彩票外的其他赌博形式的立法现状进行了总结。

    Then , summarized the legislative situation of foreign countries , Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan regions divided into three categories .

  27. 贵州省颁布优惠政策鼓励外商和华侨港澳台同胞到贵州投资

    The Preferential Policies of Guizhou Province Encourage Foreign Business , Overseas Chinese And Compatriots In Hongkong , Macao And Taiwan To Invest

  28. 更令人欣喜的是,自上届美展以来,港澳台三地艺术家在艺术探索、形式创新上迈开了更大的脚步。

    More delightfully , artists from the three places have made great leap forward in terms of arts exploration and innovation of forms .

  29. 其具体表现为私营经济、港澳台经济、外资经济等形式。

    Their specific representations are forms like the private economy , Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan 's economy and foreign capital economy .

  30. 关于新阶段高校港澳台、海外统战工作的思考

    Thinking of the United Front Work for Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan , Overseas Chinese in Colleges and Universities on a New Stage