
  • 网络bohai state;Balhae;the bohai kingdom
  1. 论唐代渤海国儒学文化教育

    On the Education of Confucius Culture of Bohai State in Tang Dynasty

  2. 渤海国的历史基本上与唐朝相始终。

    The historical existence of Bohai State roughly coincided with the Tang Dynasty .

  3. 一年后他们灭掉了渤海国。

    The following year they then destroyed the Kingdom of Bohai .

  4. 如新罗一样,渤海国是中国唐朝的属国。

    Like Silla , Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China .

  5. 渤海国上京龙泉府宫城第二宫殿遗址发掘简报

    Excavation of a Palace Site of the Bohai Kingdom

  6. 唐代渤海国文化刍议

    On the Culture of Bohai Regime in Tang Dynasty

  7. 随后,降服甘州回鹘,灭渤海国。

    Before long , he conquered the Uygurs in Ganzhou and captured the Bohai .

  8. 唐代渤海国釉陶器的类型及相关问题探讨

    On Types of Glazed Pottery from Bohai Slate in the Tang Dynasty and Their

  9. 渤海国时期吉林的铁器述论

    On Irons of Bohai Stage in Jilin

  10. 吉林省渤海国中京城市布局及宫殿建筑研究

    Research about the Palace Architecture in the Middle Capital of Bohai State in Jilin Province

  11. 渤海国历史的归属

    The Historical Ownership of the Bohai State

  12. 第一章阐述了辽发动对渤海国战争的背景及渤海国的灭亡。

    The first chapter has elaborated the background of Liao Dynasty attacked Bohai regime and Bohai perished .

  13. 唐代渤海国旅游遗址规划与环境保护&兼论如何更合理地开发利用唐旅游文化,加强环保意识

    The Tour Plan of Ruins of Bohai Country of Tang Dy - nasty and Its Environmental Protection

  14. 记得离开渤海国废墟后我们去了不远处的镜泊湖。

    Remember to leave the country in the Bohai Sea after we went to the ruins of nearby Jingpohu .

  15. 另外,由考古发现可以推断,渤海国可能存在货币流通。

    In addition , it can be inferred from archeology that currency may have existed in the Bohai State .

  16. 本文主要论述唐代渤海国儒学文化教育的宗旨、容及其影响。

    This paper mainly discusses the tenet , contents and influence of the education f Confucius culture in Bohai state .

  17. 渤海国与中亚粟特文明的关系是渤海史研究的新领域。

    The research on the relations of Bo sea kingdom and Shute culture is a new research field on Bo sea history .

  18. 正是在这种相同的文化背景下,渤海国和日本之间才得以进行长达两百年的文化交往。

    For this same culture foundation , Bohai country and Japan could have a good relationship for as long as two hundred years .

  19. 本文通过对渤海国的主要居民的族属、国号的分析阐述了其国为靺鞨之国。

    The article discussed the Mohe State by analyzing the national property and the name of a dynasty of principal people in Bohai sea country .

  20. 本文认为渤海国热心于对外文化交流的动因,最初是出于藩国本身政治和军事的需要。

    The paper assumes that the initial motivation for the kingdom to carry on cultural exchange abroad was to meet its own political and military demands .

  21. 论文分三部分来论述:第一部分:概述渤海国建立及其建国初期的周边环境。

    Paper to describe the three parts : Part I : an overview of the founding of the Bohai Country and the early establishment of the surrounding environment .

  22. 研究渤海国的历史和文化发展对研究中国东北部的历史和文化发展及汉文化在中国东北部的传播都有极其重要的意义。

    To research the history and cultural development is of historical significance for the research into the history and the spread of Han culture in the northeast of China .

  23. 针对人文旅游对环境的有利影响,本文论述了唐代渤海国遗址合理开发与环境保护的关系,以及如何开发利用唐旅游文化,加强环保意识。

    According to the good influence of humane tour to environment , this paper expounds how to develop and make use of tang dynasty culture of tour more rationally and , strengthen the will of environmental protection .

  24. 渤海国从建国伊始,便积极从事对外、特别是与唐廷和日本的文化交流,促进了其政治体制的成熟和经济的发展。

    Beginning from the emergence of the Bohai kingdom , it actively conducted its diplomatic activities , especially in the cultural exchange with the Tang government and Japan , which promoted its political maturation and economic growth .

  25. 而渤海国与日本之间的文化交流,在促进双方文化发展的同时,更为唐日之间的交往搭建了桥梁,成为中日文化交流史中不可磨灭的重要一页。

    In addition , the exchange of Bohai Country and Japan not only promoted mutual cultural development , but also built a bridge between Japan and the Tang dynasty , and became an indelible important page in the history of China and Japan .

  26. 指出作为唐王朝地方政权的渤海国,不仅在政治制度等方面仿效唐朝,而且在文化教育方面也学习唐朝,将中原的儒学文化作为其教育的主要内容。

    It points out that Bohai state , as a local regime of Tang Dynasty , not only learned from Tang Dynasty in political system , but also learned from Tang Dynasty in culture and education and took the Confucius culture as its main contents of education .

  27. 渤海在我国具有重要的战略地位。

    The Bohai Sea has important strategic position in our country .

  28. 渤海作为我国北方沿海经济发展的重要支撑,近几年生态系统已遭到了严重破坏。

    In the past years , the ecosystem of Bohai Sea has been seriously destroyed .

  29. 渤海是我国东部陆缘海湾地震活动性最高的地区。

    Bohai sea is the area of the most intensive seismic activity in the eastern continental margin and bay of the country .

  30. 渤海作为我国唯一的内海,其在经济社会发展中具有重要的意义。

    Bohai Sea is the only inland sea in our country and its ecological environment plays an important role in economic and social development .