
  1. 十六国北朝时期,渤海封氏在政治、婚姻和文化上都呈现出了自己的特点。

    The Feng family had its ' characteristics in political , marriage and culture in Sixteen-state and Northern Dynasty .

  2. 本文旨在探讨渤海封氏在十六国北朝时期家族发展的整体面貌。

    The purpose of this article is discussing the overall outlook of the Bo-hai Feng family during the period of Sixteen-state and Northern Dynasty .

  3. 在婚姻方面,北朝时期渤海封氏的婚姻圈基本维持在士族范围之内。

    In regard to marriage , the marriage ring of Bo-hai Feng family basically maintained within the scope of the scholar-official families in Northern Dynasty .