
qīng fèi huà tán
  • clearing lung and eliminating phlegm
清肺化痰[qīng fèi huà tán]
  1. RP-HPLC同时测定清肺化痰丸中3种成分含量

    Determination of three components in Qingfei Huatan Pill by RP-HPLC

  2. 清化宣肺汤治疗痰热郁肺型慢性支气管炎疗效观察清肺化痰汤合红霉素对COPD痰热阻肺证大鼠模型的疗效及机理探讨

    A Study on the Curative Effects and Mechanism of Qingfei Huatan Decoction Combined with Erythromycin in Rat Model of COPD with Syndrome of Retention of Phlegm-Heat in the Lung

  3. 清肺化痰Ⅱ号联合西药治疗可以降低VAP患者血清TNF-a水平,并能明显改善VAP患者的临床症状。

    No. ⅱ Qing Fei Hua Tan decoction combined with western medicine can reduce serum TNF-a levels in patients with VAP , and can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of patients with VAP . 3 .

  4. 清肺化痰、益气活血对肺纤维化大鼠不同时间点TGF-β1mRNA表达的影响

    Influences of therapies of clearing lung and dissolving phlegm , and replenishing qi and activating blood circulation on TGF - β _1 mRNA expression at different time points in rats with pulmonary fibrosis

  5. 可见,清肺化痰汤有确切的临床疗效。

    Visible , Qingfei expectorant soup athe exact clinical efficacy .

  6. 清肺化痰丸治疗痰热咳嗽90例

    Treating Phlegm-heat Cough with Lung-clearing Phlegm - transforming pill : a Report of 90 cases

  7. 清肺化痰散治疗小儿痰热壅肺型咳嗽的临床观察

    Clinical Study on Qing Fei Hua Tan Granule in Treating Children Cough of PHL EGM-Heat in the Lung

  8. 清肺化痰通络法治疗小儿支原体肺炎42例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Clearing Lung and Dissipating Phlegm for the Treatment of 42 Cases of Infantile Mycoplasmal Pneumonia

  9. 清肺化痰通络方对博莱霉素诱发大鼠肺损伤的作用及机制

    Function and Mechanism of Clearing Lung Phlegm Reduction and Dredging the Channels and Collaterals in Bleomycin-induced Pulmonary Damage of Rats

  10. 治疗组给予清肺化痰冲剂口服治疗,对照组给予克咳胶囊治疗。

    Treatment group were given oral granule Qingfei Huatan heat treatment , the control group were given Keke capsule in the treatment of cough .

  11. 结论:清肺化痰颗粒治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期痰热郁肺证有较好疗效。

    Conclusions : In treating acute exacerbation of COPD due to phlegm-heat obstructing lung , better curative effects can be achieved with Qingfei Huatan Granula .

  12. 急性毒性实验,实验动物无异常的行为,并且给药量远高于临床用量,说明清肺化痰颗粒临床用药安全。

    Thrid , acute toxicity test , experimental animal abnormal behavior , and the dosage is much higher than that of clinical dosage , Qingfei Huatan granule clinical medication safety .

  13. 目的:评价清肺化痰止咳法治疗小儿急性支气管炎的可行性及有效性,为临床治疗小儿急性支气管炎提供一种有效的治疗方法和诊疗思路。

    Objective : To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of clearing lung , dissipating phlegm and relieving cough in treating the syndrome of phlegm and heat obstructing the lung of pediatric Acute Bronchitis .

  14. 应用我省传统中成药清肺化痰丸(治疗组)治疗痰热咳嗽90例,并与对照组(橘红丸)30例对照。

    Treated by lung-clearing Phlegm-transforming pill , traditional patent medicine of Yunnan province , for 7 days in 90 cases of phlegm-heat cough , 30 cases were treated by red tangerine pill as control .

  15. 部分性脾栓塞合健脾化瘀法治疗门静脉高压性脾亢的临床研究益肾健脾清肺化痰法治疗老年支气管扩张症36例临床观察

    Partial Splenic Embolization Combining with Invigorating Spleen and Removing Blood Stasis for Hypersplenism in Portal Hypertension : A Preliminary Clinical Observation ; Method of Tonifying Kidney and Spleen Clearing Lung and Phlegm Treat Senile Bronchiectasis

  16. 健脾化痰活血法治疗脂肪肝的临床与实验研究益肾健脾清肺化痰法治疗老年支气管扩张症36例临床观察

    Clinical Observation and Experimental Study on Treating Fatty Liver by the Means of Strengthening Spleen , Resolving Phlegm and Promoting Blood Circulation ; Method of Tonifying Kidney and Spleen Clearing Lung and Phlegm Treat Senile Bronchiectasis

  17. 枇杷药膏,清肺、化痰、止咳。芥末膏可以使人发热。

    Semifluid Extract of Loquat Leaf removes heat from the lung , dissolves phlegm and arrests cough . a mustard plaster is calefacient .

  18. 加有冰糖和水果片装瓶的裸麦威士忌酒冰糖蒸梨是清肺、化痰、止咳的中国传统药膳。

    Pear steamed with crystal sugar is a traditional Chinese medical diet for removing heat from the lung , dissolving phlegm and arresting cough .

  19. 清热化痰,宣肺止咳。用于治疗感冒后咳嗽、气管炎咳嗽。冰糖蒸梨是清肺、化痰、止咳的中国传统药膳。

    Clearing heat and transforming phlegm ; diffusing the lung and suppressing cough , due to colds and acute bronchitis . Pear steamed with crystal sugar is a traditional Chinese medical diet for removing heat from the lung , dissolving phlegm and arresting cough .