
  1. 我不甚了解,但我曾经和一个中国文物专家来过,他帮我们精挑细选了一些真品瓷器,其中大部分是清代瓷器。

    I don 't really know , although I did visit once with a Chinese antique expert who helped us to very selectively pick out genuine , mostly Qing Dynasty porcelain pieces .

  2. 清代官窑瓷器元素成分数据库建立工作,是上海博物馆古陶瓷科技分析研究中的一个重要组成部分。

    The construction of element composition database on Qing Dynasty guan porcelain is an important part of scientific research on ancient ceramics in Shanghai Museum .

  3. 明代的瓷器不仅图案精美,还增加了自然景色、画像、花鸟等绘画,而清代的瓷器图案很多都是当代艺术大师的作品或对他们的临摹。

    and various social influ-ences of the time . Apart from exquisite patterns , Ming porcelain decoration fea-tured landscapes , portraits , and flower-and-bird and other paintings , while most of the Qing paintings on porcelain were works of famous contemporary artists or imitations of their works .