
  • 网络cdm;Clean Development Mechanism;Clean Development Mechanism, CDM
  1. 清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京家都议书》中规定的温室气体减排的一种灵活机制。

    CDM is one kind of compliance mechanisms which is defined under Kyoto protocot to reduce the greenhouse gas emission .

  2. 清洁发展机制(CDM)与我国生物质能的规模化发展

    CDM and scale-development of biomass energy in China

  3. 清洁发展机制让高压传输电网SF6气体减少排放

    SF_6 Emission Reduction of High Voltage Transmission Grid Under Clean Development Mechanism

  4. 清洁发展机制(CDM)给中国电力行业带来新机遇

    New Opportunity for Chinese Electric Power Enterprises Through Clean Development Mechanism

  5. 畜禽养殖场沼气工程的温室气体减排效益及利用清洁发展机制(CDM)的影响分析

    Greenhouse gas mitigation benefits of bio gas project in livestock farms

  6. 清洁发展机制(CDM)对促进生物质气化发电技术的作用分析

    CDM promoting influence analysis of biomass gasification power generation project

  7. 我国养猪场清洁发展机制(CDM)发展潜力分析研究

    Potential of Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) for Swine Farms in China

  8. 清洁发展机制(CDM)与西部地区项目融资

    Clean Development Mechanism and Project Financing in West China

  9. 运用清洁发展机制(CDM)开展垃圾填埋气体收集利用

    Developing Waste Landfill Gas Collection and Utilization Applying CDM

  10. 清洁发展机制(CDM)在中国风力发电场的应用

    Application of CDM in China Wind Power Farm

  11. 介绍清洁发展机制(CDM)的一些背景知识。

    The background knowledge of CDM was introduced .

  12. 清洁发展机制(CDM)中的基准线问题

    Baseline Issues in the Clean Development Mechanism

  13. 开展清洁发展机制(CDM)项目活动可促进中国的可持续发展。

    Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) projects can help promote China 's sustainable development .

  14. 清洁发展机制(CDM)给秸秆发电项目带来的国际融资机遇

    The opportunity of international funds for the straw generating project brought by clean development mechanism

  15. 清洁发展机制(CDM)为温室气体排放企业创造了难得的商业机会,使企业负担的环保义务变成为可以出售的产品。

    Enterprises emitting GHG gases may gain a lot from the Clean Development Mechanism underKyoto Protocol , which can turn environmental obligation into a profitable product , CER .

  16. 中埃两国气候变化管理政策比较&以清洁发展机制(CDM)为例

    Comparative Analysis on Climate Change Policies of Egypt and China : A Case Study of CDM

  17. 两个项目&联合执行(I)清洁发展机制(DM)用京都议定书机制。

    Two project based mechanisms introduced under Kyoto Protocol are : Joint Implementation ( JI ) and Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) .

  18. 清洁发展机制(CDM)的实施与管理

    Implementation and Management of CDM

  19. 基于清洁发展机制(CDM)项目背景下的西部农村沼气建设

    Biogas Development Based on the Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) in the Countryside of West China

  20. 清洁发展机制(CDM)及项目实施介绍

    CDM and Program Implementation Introduction

  21. 清洁发展机制(CDM)为中国提供了一个与发达国家在林业上进行合作的途径。

    Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) provides a cooperating method between China and developed countries in forestry .

  22. 2002年清洁发展机制(CDM)进入中国以后,从此碳排放权交易在我国大范围的迅速展开。

    In 2002 the clean development mechanism into China , from now on carbon emissions trading in China launches .

  23. 清洁发展机制(CDM)是在人们对环境问题的深刻认识基础上发展而来的,是《京都议定书》中三种灵活机制之一。

    Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) is developed on the basis of the profound cognition of the environmental problems .

  24. 联合国的这个计划名为清洁发展机制(CDM),清华大学是中国国内为CDM项目提供顾问服务的领头羊。

    Leading the domestic army of consultants servicing the Clean Development Mechanism , as the UN programme is called , is Tsinghua .

  25. 清洁发展机制(CDM)的实施可有效地促进中国建筑部门节能和温室气体(GHGs)减排。

    The implementation of CDM can effectively improve the energy efficiency and reduce GHGs emission in building sector in China .

  26. 我国已经建立CDM的管理机构,颁布了“清洁发展机制项目运行管理暂行办法”。

    China has already established its CDM and issued the " Interim Measures for Operation and Management of Clean Development Mechanism Projects in China " .

  27. 《京都议定书》提出了温室气体减排的3个基于市场的灵活机制,其中清洁发展机制(CDM)是发达国家与发展中国家间在减排温室气体排放方面进行的一种合作机制。

    One of these three mechanisms is the Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ), it builds strong connection between developed and developing countries on reducing GHG emissions .

  28. 实际上,这场争吵可以追溯至《京都议定书》谈判时期,当时正是因为各国在技术转让方面意见不统一而催生出了清洁发展机制(CDM)。

    The debate harkens back to disagreements over technology transfer when the Kyoto Protocol was being negotiated that led to the creation of the Clean Development Mechanism .

  29. 清洁发展机制(CDM)是国际社会应对全球气候变化所作努力的一个重要部分。

    The international community has made tremendous efforts to combat global climate change , of which the Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) is an important part .

  30. CCS可能被纳入联合国的清洁发展机制方案,根据该方案,产生污染的富国向穷国的二氧化碳减排付款。

    CCS could be integrated within the UN 's Clean Development Mechanism scheme , in which rich polluting nations pay for carbon dioxide reductions in poorer nations .