
  1. 而学术界亦一致将这一时期的家具称为清式家具。

    But academics also consistent will this period furniture called clear pattern furniture .

  2. 清式家具视觉特征探议

    Discussing Visual Features of Furniture in Qing Style

  3. 清式家具由于统治阶级的审美需求,数量和制作工艺相较明式家具还是有着发展和提高。

    Qing-style furniture improved in terms of quantity and production technology because of aesthetic needs of the ruling class .

  4. 但是由于审美高度的降低,清式家具的艺术性已大打折扣。

    However with a high degree of reduction of aesthetic , the art level of Qing-style furniture has been greatly reduced .