
  • 网络deep rock doctrine;deep-rock doctrine;deep stone principle
  1. 第二节为引进深石原则。

    The second section introduces the deep rock doctrine .

  2. 作者建议采用下列公司法上的手段来规制非正当关联交易:引进国外的刺破公司面纱原则和深石原则;

    The author proposes adopting the following means on company law to regulate illicit associated transactions : introduce abroad Principle of Piercing the Corporate Veil and Deep Rock Doctrine ;

  3. 深石原则相关法律问题研究

    Study on Relevant Legal Problems of " Deep-Rock Doctrine "

  4. 而深石原则只适用于解决关联公司破产时的债权清偿顺序问题,在具体适用上也有严格规定。

    The principle of Deep Rock only applies to deal with the discharge order of the creditors ' rights of bankrupt affiliated corporations and has strict rules on specific applications .

  5. 加重责任制度、法人人格否认制度以及深石原则,它们都在一定程度上有效保护了金融集团债权人的利益。

    The Enhanced Obligations , the system of disregard of corporate personality and the principle of Deep Rock , to some extent , can effectively protect the interest of the creditors of financial groups .

  6. 美国对关联企业破产中的违法行为,在判例中形成了揭开法人面纱、深石原则、实质合并原则及控制股东的诚信义务等制度。

    U.S. cases develop many rules in resolve the problem of affiliated enterprise bankruptcy , such as piercing the corporate veil , deep-rock doctrine , substantive consolidation doctrine , and fiduciary duties of the controlling shareholders .

  7. 以授权资本制为核心,同时辅之以公司法人格否认制度和深石原则,可以强化公司信用的物质基础。

    The material bases of company credits can be reinforced by focusing on company capital with the aid of the system to rule against the juridical person of a company or to deepen the management of a company .

  8. 而事后规制则可借鉴英美法系的深石原则、实质合并原则,并研究如何完善关联企业破产清算制度。

    While Afterwards regulation measures can learn from deep rock doctrine and substantive consolidation doctrine in the Anglo-American legal system for reference . This paper also studies how to improve the legal system regulating bankruptcy liquidation of affiliated enterprises .

  9. 该节阐述了深石原则的含义、价值和法理基础,指出我国应尽快引进深石原则,确立非关联债权相对于关联债权的优先制度,从而有效保护子公司其他债权人和股东的利益。

    This section , digging into the nature and legal foundation of the doctrine , embraces an immediate introduction into China of the doctrine and the establishment of the priority of non-related credit to related credit , thus protecting the interest of the creditors and other shareholders in its subsidiaries .