
  • 网络Wagner's Law;Wagners Law
  1. 对中国1952年至2007年的数据进行梳理分析,以验证瓦格纳法则的普遍适用性。

    In order to validate the general application of the Wagner 's Law , data ranging from the year of1952 to2007 in China is examined .

  2. 结果显示虽然国民收入与财政支出间并不存在长期均衡关系,但是瓦格纳法则在中国成立。

    The results show that although there isn 't a long-run equilibrium relationship between national income and fiscal expenditure , Wagner 's Law is still valid in China .

  3. 世界经济发展史很好的证明了瓦格纳法则的正确性。

    The international economic development history has well confirmed the exactness of Wagner 's rule .

  4. 瓦格纳法则新解

    Wagner 's Rule New Explanation

  5. 公共支出规模存在合理极值:瓦格纳法则新解

    Proportion of Public Expenditure to GDP has Reasonable Biggest Number : the Newest Explanation of Wagner Principle

  6. 但随着科技的进步,我们认为瓦格纳法则所揭示的公共支出不断增长的现象只适用于特定的历史阶段并且公共支出的规模也不会永远持续地增长下去,它应当存在一个合理的极值。

    With the progress of science and technology , perhaps the factor that the public expenditure that must originally cause increases will no longer give play to utility , and it should have a rational extreme value .