- 名dark gray

Like the latest iPhones , the new MacBook comes in silver , dark gray and gold .
You were all by yourself , staring up at a dark gray sky . I was changed .
The results shown that the clay can be changed into brown from dark grey by using NaOH to react with the soluble Fe 3 + within the ore or applied .
There is two types of mafic dikes in Lantian uranium field . One is dark green lamprophyre , minette ( according to the IUGS recommended lamprophyre classification scheme ) .
A cushion-cut fancy deep grayish blue diamond weighing 35.56 carats .
Her eye colors are : stock blue , dark grey , stock green , and stock pink .
Roaring and shining , each of them dashes towards the end of the sky into the grey .
These pictures were carved on grey or dark blue rock stones , in a simple and bold style .
Of a grayish to deep reddish brown to deep grayish brown . slightly purplish or bluish dark gray .
The Ordovician Yanchiwan Formation spreads out with the NWW-SEE direction in the belt of Qingshuigou in South Qilian mountains .
The artist has again eliminated all natural color from the image , depicting the Great Helmsman in dark grays and blacks .
Scarfskin color of coin was same as that of mature branch , for example , offwhite , heavy gray , celadon ;
Off-the-rack suits are the least costly and the most convenient option , provided you 're happy with the fabric and fit .
In the Houses of Parliament this afternoon she wore an elegant grey tailored coat with a dove grey silk pussy bow blouse .
This means that red is not a colour at all for bees , for them it is just dark grey or black .
According the K / S value of C3H / He mice , the eight strains of mice can be divided into two types , that is , light grey and deep grey .
The high contrast of yellow , black , and deep taupe gives the living room of a Los Angeles house " a smoky , glamorous , old-world Hollywood style ," says designer Mary McDonald .
The grey level may vary from white to black depending upon the amount of the red , green and blue content ; the highest content will produce white , and lowest will produce dark grey or black .
So I decided to have two tables and two windows and a little sofa , and only like this kind of dark , dark , dark brown , or dark gray , or dark black or light black - I don 't know , I didn 't define the color - walls , and it feels very good .