
  • 网络liquid coolant
  1. 液体冷却剂如何?也许放个玻璃钢泵在这儿。

    How about liquid coolant ? Maybe a little aquarium pump here .

  2. 它可以通过空气散热,而其他厂商的电池则需要使用液体冷却剂。

    Its heat is dissipated by air ; designs by other manufacturers require a liquid coolant .

  3. 随着液体冷却剂经过一个阀门进入内置盘管,压强就会降低。

    As the liquid coolant passes through a valve into the hidden coils , the pressure drops .

  4. 这些碰撞加热这个再生区,其中的液体冷却剂,如熔盐,会把热从反应堆中导出。

    These collisions heat the blanket , and a liquid coolant such as molten salt draws that heat out of the reactor .